护理干预对非接触眼压计测量结果的影响 |
肖鸿香 李立新 刘均娥
摘要 目的:提高使用非接触眼压计测量眼压的准确性。方法:将155例患者(309只眼)随机分为干预组和对照组,对干预组实施护理干预措施。研究两组病人配合情况及干预措施对眼压测量结果的影响。结果:干预组中配合良好的患者所占比例比对照组大。配合良好组使用非接触眼压计与Goldmann压平眼压计测量的差值大部分在2mmHg以内,其比例高于配合不良组。结论:通过干预减轻患者的紧张状态,可提高非接触眼压计测量的准确性和可靠性。 关键词 非接触眼压计 眼压 青光眼
Comparative Study on the Improved Accuracy of Noncontact Tonometer
Xiao Hong-xiang,Li Li-xin,Liu Jun-e
Abstract Objective: This paper studied a method for improving the accuracy of measurement of non-contact tonometers.Methods:The study Consisted of 155(309 eyes) patients, who were randomly classified into two groups according to whether or not it was controlled.The cooperativeness of patients and its influence on the results was compared. Results: In the control group, the ratio of cooperative patients was significantly increased comparing to the uncooperative patients. In the subgroup of cooperation, the difference between NCT and GAT was almost within 2 mmHg, the ratio was higher than the subgroup of uncooperative. Conclusion: By operator control, patients anxiety can be decreased, and its influence can be reduced. The accuracy and reliability of the measurement of non-contact tonometer can then be increased. Author s address Department of Ophthalmology, People s Hospital, Beijing University, Beijing,China,100044 Key words Non-contact tonometer Intra-ocular pressure Glaucoma
1 资料与方法
1.1 观察对象 1999年5~9月在我院眼科门诊就诊的可疑青光眼患者155例(309只眼),年龄15~74岁,其中男性75例,女性80例。入选对象无散光、视力极度障碍或角膜病变者。 1.2 分组 所有观察对象按来诊时间随机分组,单日为干预组,77人(154只眼),双日为对照组,78人(155只眼)。根据患者配合情况又分为配合良好组,配合不良组。 1.3 方法 1.3.1 检测仪器:日本产Nidek NT-1000型非接触眼压计和日本Topcon SL-1E型Gol[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 不同层次护生毕业实习期适应状况调查 下一个医学论文: 止血带张力对浅静脉充盈度的影响