不同层次护生毕业实习期适应状况调查 |
摘要 为研究护生在毕业实习期的适应状况,提高实习效果,以Roy适应模式论作为理论框架,对北京3所医科大学233名不同层次护生进行了调查。结果表明:不同层次护生在毕业实习期均存在不适应反应,不同学历间有显著差异(P<0.01),中专护生不适应反应少于本科(P<0.05)及大专护生(P<0.05),在生理需要及角色功能方面,不同学历间无显著性差异(P>0.05),在自我概念方面,不同学历间存在显著性差异(P<0.01),中专护生少于本科(P<0.01)及大专(P<0.05)护生,在互相依赖方面,不同学历间存在显著性差异(P<0.01),本科护生多于大专(P<0.05)及中专(P<0.01)护生,大专与中专护生间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。据此,护理教育者及临床带教老师对不同层次护生在毕业实习期有必要采取不同形式的教育及引导,以促进护生更顺利地适应毕业实习。 关键词 护生 毕业实习 适应
Survey of the Adaptation on Different Level Nursing Student in The Clinic Practice
Jing Kun-juan
Abstract In order to investigate adaptation and to raise practicing efficiency of the nursing student during clinic practice, We investigated 233 nursing students of different levels in three medical colleges of Beijing using Roy s Adaptation Model for nursing as the conceptual framework.The results showed that there were inadaptive responses,and there were significant differences (P<0.01) among all levels. There were less inadaptive responses in the secondary nursing students than in the baccalaureate standard (BSN)(P<0.05) and college nursing students (P<0.05) ; The Basic Physiologic Needs and the Role Mastery were not significantly difference among different level nursing students (P>0.05); The difference in the self-Concept and in the interdependence was significant (P<0.01). There were less inadaptive responses in the secondary nursing students than the BSN(P<0.05) and college nursing students (P<0.05) in the Self-concept; there were more inadaptive responses in the BSN than that in the college (P<0.05) and secondary(P<0.01) nursing students,and the difference was not significant among the college nursing students and secondary nursing students in the Interdependence. Therefore,different education for different level students in the nursing practice is necessary. Author s address The Department of Nursing HeBei Medical College for Conti[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 血液病患者血小板输注效率的分析与护理 下一个医学论文: 护理干预对非接触眼压计测量结果的影响