【摘要】 目的 探讨机械通气治疗重症哮喘的方法及疗效。方法 重症哮喘患者采用机械通气治疗。应用低潮气量、低频率、高吸气流量、低呼吸比、高氧浓度的通气策略;SIMV通气模式。结果 14例患者好转出院13例,占92.86%。1例上机后病情继续恶化2h内死亡,占7.14%。结论 抢救重症哮喘过程中特别应做到及时、恰到好处地实施呼吸支持,争取时机抢救生命。允许性高碳酸血症并发症较少,抢救成功率高,是一种可行的通气策略。
【关键词】 重症哮喘;机械通气;允许性高碳酸血症
Observation on mechanical ventilation in treatment of severe asthma
DU Song-tao,WANG Ying-nan,YU Ping.
The First People’s Hospital of Yichang,Hubei 443000,China
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the method and effect of mechanical ventilation in the tretment of severe asthmatic attack.Methods We used the mechanical ventilation to treat patients of severe asthmatic attack.The ventilation strategy of low tidal volume,low frequency,high inspiratory flow,low respiration ratio,and high oxygen density was applied,and the pattern of ventilation was SIMV.Results 13 of 14 cases were discharged as cured (success rate was 92.86%),and one case died two hours later during the treatment,because of the progressive worsened condition (death rate was 7.14%).Conclusion When rescuing patients of severe asthmatic attack,we should pay especial attention to practice respiration support in time and just right,to seize the opportunity of saving.We hold that it’s a feasible ventilation strategy with few complications of permissive hypercapnia and high success rate.
【Key words】 severe asthmatic attack;mechanical ventilation;permissive hypercapnia
重症哮喘(severe asthma)病情重且不稳定,常可危及生命。经氧疗、全身应用糖皮质激素、β2受体激动剂等药物治疗后病情继续恶化者,应及时给予辅助机械通气治疗[1]。回顾性分析我院经机械通气治疗的重症哮喘患者14例,就机械通气的策略、机械通气的管理、并发症及疗效进行探讨。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 病例均为1995年8月~2004年4月我科和ICU的住院患者,诊断符合2003年中华医学会呼吸病学分会哮喘学组制订的重症哮喘诊断标准[1]。本组共14例,男11例,女3例;年龄22~64岁,平均43岁。其中合并肺大疱2例。主要临床表现有咳嗽、喘息、呼吸困难、端坐呼吸、不能讲话、大汗淋漓。病情严重的出现意识障碍、甚至昏迷。入院后经吸氧、支气管扩张剂、糖皮质激素等治疗。1~6h未见好转或病情加重的患者行气管插管机械通气。其指征包括神志改变、呼吸肌疲劳、动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2)由低于正常转为正常甚或>45mmHg。
1.2 方法 全部患者的机械通气均经气管插管进行,经鼻插管12次,经口插管2次。人工气道建立后,接SIEMENS 900C呼吸机。同步间歇强制通气(SIMV)模式作为初始通气模式。呼吸频率
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