[摘要] 目的 探讨小儿胆总管囊肿诊断方面的特点,为此病的临床诊断提供经验。方法 总结分析55例小儿胆总管囊肿患者的临床和超声资料。结果 55例患儿中,有“三联征(腹痛、黄疸和腹部肿物)”的比例为20%;腹痛、黄疸和呕吐是最常见的症状;超声表现分为3级。结论 在胆总管囊肿患儿中,有“三联征”的比例较低;胆总管扩张的程度越重,越容易出现“三联征”。腹痛、黄疸和呕吐是最常见的症状。超声是诊断小儿胆总管囊肿最简便、有效的影像学方法,对有症状的患儿应及时进行超声检查。
[关键词] 小儿;胆总管囊肿;诊断;超声
Study on diagnostic characteristic of the choledochocyst of children
LIANG Youping.Clinic of Jilin Normal University,Siping 136000,China
[Abstract] Objective Researching the diagnostic characteristic of the choledochocyst of child and providing the experience for clinical diagnosis of the choledochocyst of child.Methods Summarizing and analyzing the data of ultrasound and clinical of the 55 patients with the choledochocyst.Results In 55 cases,the ratio of “the triad sign”(abdominal pain,jaundice and abdominal mass)is 20%; the abdominal pain,jaundice and vomiting are the most common symptoms.The sonograms has been classified to 3 degrees.Conclusion In the children patients of choledochocyst,the ratio of “the triad signs” is lower and abdominal pain,jaundice and vomit are the most common symptoms; the ultrasound is the most convenient and effective image method for diagnosing the children choledochocyst and the children patients with the symptoms should be examed with ultrasound in time.
[Key words] children;choledochocyst;diagnosis;ultrasound
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 我院收治的胆总管囊肿患儿55例,均经手术治疗并确定诊断,其中男16例,女39例。年龄2个月~14岁,平均5.4岁;其中2个月~3岁26例,4~6岁13例,8~14岁16例。出现症状年龄为:2个月~3岁36例,4~6岁9例,8~14岁10例。
1.2 症状和体征出现情况 腹痛43例(78.2%),黄疸22例(40.0%),呕吐24例(43.6%),自诉腹部肿物9例(16.4%),腹胀2例(3.6%),无症状2例(3.6%),腹部触及肿物29例(52.7%),腹部压痛12例(21.8%),腹痛、黄疸二联征15例(27.3%),腹痛、黄疸、腹部触及肿物三联征11例(20.0%)。
1.3 超声表现 55例患儿超声检查均发现胆总管囊状扩张。按通用的Flanigan分类法[1],55例声像表现分为两类情况:第1类,仅胆总管囊状扩张(Flanigan Ⅰ型),45例(81.8%);第2类,胆总管囊状扩张合并肝内胆管囊状扩张(Flanigan Ⅳ型),10例(18.2%)。全部病例中胆总管囊状扩张的程度分为3级
[1] [2] 下一页