【摘要】 [目的]总结大批量地震伤骨折伤员救治方法和预后,分析影响疗效的原因。[方法]介绍本院2008年5.12汶川地震中收治的骨折伤员的主要救治措施和手术方法,随访术后疗效。[结果]平均随访时间13个月,随访率78.4%。525例骨折术后一期愈合(96.7%),延迟愈合和不愈合18例(3.3%),其中开放性骨折16例,闭合性骨折2例,主要发生在胫腓骨(14例),占延迟愈合和不愈合总数的77.8%。感染数46例,感染率8.5%。疗效优352例(64.8%),良108例(19.9%),可51例(9.4%),差32例(5.9%),优良率84.7%。[结论]多学科联合急救分类、合理医师组配和专家组决策手术预案等卫勤组织管理方法,快速、简便、有效、安全的手术原则是提高手术通过量和手术效果的关键。
【关键词】 地震; 骨折; 手术; 随访
A follow up report of 543 cases of fracture patients caused by an earthquake∥QUAN Yi, ZHOU Jinsong, LIAO Dongfa, et al. Department of Orthopedics, General Hospital of Chengdu Military Command, Chengdu, 610083 China
Abstract:[Objective]To investigate the treatment and prognosis of a large sample of earthquake injury patients, and to analyze the trauma causes. [Method] All cases were injured in Wenchuan Earthquake. Their postoperative effects were recorded and analyzed.[Result]In all 693 cases, 543 cases were followed up for average 13 months, with the followup rate of 78.4%. One stage healing was achieved in 525 cases (96.7%). In another 18 cases (3.3%) of nonunion or delayed union cases, 16 cases were open fractures and 2 cases were closed fractures. Most of them were tibia and fibula fractures (14 cases, 77.8%). Infection occurred in 46 cases (8.5%). Excellent effect were achieved in 352 cases (64.8%), good in 108 cases (19.9%), fair in 51 cases (9.4%), poor in 32 cases (5.9%). The final goodtoexcellent rate was 84.7%.[Conclusion]Combination of multiple departments for classification of firstaid, reasonable composition of surgeons, and principles of being quick, convenient, effective and safe are keys to improve operation quality and effect.
Key words:earthquake; fracture; operation; follow up
作者简介:权 毅(1956-),男,四川人,教授,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,研究方向:关节与创伤外科,(电话)13881832158,(电子信箱)[email protected] 地震是对人类伤害最多最大的一种自然灾害,顷刻之间几十万生命被顷砸掩埋,数十万伤员面临生死一线,而地震伤员中90%需要骨科医师处理。面对1~2 d内涌入医院的大量骨折伤员,迅速、正确、有效地进行手术治疗,可加快手术通过率,减少残费率。总结抗震救治的经验,对随时可能发生的各类群死群伤事件,如矿难、地
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