【摘要】 目的 探讨直肠癌Miles术后结肠造口并发症特点、预防和处理。 方法 回顾性分析我院1998年1月至2008年1月收治300例直肠癌Miles术后结肠造口的临床资料,分析结肠造口并发症的特点及防治措施。结果 结肠造口术后并发症发生率18.0%(54/300),其中造口缺血坏死2.66%(8/300),造口旁疝1%(3/300),腹腔内疝2.33%(7/300),造口周围炎4.67%(14/300),造口狭窄3.33%(10/300),造口回缩4%(12/300)。年龄超过60岁的患者造口并发症发生率明显提高,造口缺血与腹壁外段造口肠管的长度、造口开放方式有关,造口狭窄与腹壁切口直径、造口开放方式有关,造口旁疝和脱垂与患者体形有关。结论 结肠造口并发症发生率与手术方式、患者年龄和体形有密切关系,根据个体情况,选择合理的造口类型和构造,可减少并发症发生率。术中应避免造口段肠管张力过大,肠系膜离断过多,实行一期黏膜皮肤缝合开放造口。
【关键词】 直肠癌;Miles手术;结肠造口术;并发症
Clinical research of colostomy after Miles operation for rectal cancer
Tang Wei, Tan Chunqi, Zuo Chaohui, et al. Department of Abdominal Surgery, Hunan Province Tumor Hospital, Changsha 410013, China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the features, prevention and treatment of colostomyrelated complications after Miles operation for rectal cancer. Methods The clinical data of 300 cases of colostomy after Miles operation for rectal cancer admitted from January 1998 to January 2008 were retrospectively analyzed. The features, prevention and treatment of colostomyrelated complications were analyzed. Results The postoperative morbidity of stomal complications was 18.0% (14/300). The occurrence rates of colostomyrelated complications such as ischemic necrosis dehiscence of stomal mucosa and skin, retraction of stoma, tissue necrosis, parastomal hernia, abodaminal internal hernia, tissue infection, stenosis of stoma, stoma prolapse and tissue edema were 1.0%(3/300), 1.33%(4/300), 1.33%(4/300), 1.67%(5/300), 3.66%(11/300), 4.0%(12/300), 8.0%(24/300), 9.0%(27/300), 10.0%(30/300) and 11.0%(33/300), respectively. Conclusion s The occurrence rate of stomal complications is related to operative procedures and patients age. Rational stomal type and configuration based on individual factors may benefit in reducing complications and improving the quality of life.
[Key words] Rectal cancer; Miles operation; Colostomy; Complications
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