【摘要】 目的 通过胸部小切口下射频消融肺癌肿块,同时加区域淋巴结清扫术,评价该项技术在肺癌治疗中的临床意义。方法 针对不能耐受外科手术的肺癌或肺转移癌患者,采用小切口,直视下对实体瘤行射频消融术,同时对胸腔及纵隔淋巴结行清扫术。观察患者治疗术后机体恢复及肿瘤转归。结果 行非损伤小切口下射频消融肺癌加纵隔胸腔淋巴结清扫术手术时间短、术后恢复快、实体瘤完全消失,肿瘤复发率与传统开胸术差异无显著性。结论 胸部小切口下射频消融治疗肺癌是一项具有临床实用价值的技术。
【关键词】 小切口;射频消融;肺癌
Analysis on radiofrequency ablation of small incision in chest for lung cancer
ZHAO Shu-guang,ZHOU Qian-jun. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Shanghai Yuanda Heart Hospital,Shanghai 200235,China
[Abstract] Objective Through small incision in chest with radiofrequency ablation for lung cancer and cleanning up lymph nodes without damage incision,to evaluate its clinical meaning in lung cancer therapy.Methods the lung cancer or pulmonary metastasis cancer who can not tolerance the operation received the radiofrequency ablation directly and clean up the lymph nodes under quadrate muscle, and we evaluated the body recovery and cancer prognosis of the patients. Results The time of radiofrequency ablation on lung cancer and cleanning up lymph nodes under quadrate muscle without damage incision was shorter,and the body recoveried faster,the bulk cancer disapeared and without higher recurrence rate than traditional operation.Conclusion Radiofrequency ablation on lung cancer and cleanning up lymph nodes under quadrate muscle without damage incision is a practical clinical technique.
[Key words] little incision; radiofrequency ablation; lung cancer
肺癌外科已走过70多年的历程。已由传统后外侧切口肺癌根治向胸腔镜及微创切口发展,避免了术后伤口疼痛,呼吸运动及上肢肩部活动障碍等严重并发症。随着现代科技的进步,各种新型治疗手段也不断涌现,射频消融(Radiofrequency Ablation,RFA)是应用消融电极,通常在超声或CT引导下经皮穿刺进入实体肿瘤组织,通过加热的温度来杀灭肿瘤病变组织发生凝固性坏死,从而达到局部消除肿瘤组织的目的[1]。目前80%左右的患者确诊时肿瘤已无法成功切除,其中约85%为非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC),因此利用了射频消融技术的优点,同时采用了微创小切口,以确保瘤体消除及区域淋巴结的清扫,术后加以化疗。旨在延长患者生命的目的。
1 资料与方法
1.1 研究对象 临床选取10例患者,男女各5例,中位年龄(55.2±11.3)岁;中央型肺癌4例,周围型肺癌6例;术前纤维支气管镜或肺穿刺活检取得病理。病理组织分型:腺癌2例,鳞癌8例,按UICC国际NSCLC分期标准属于Ⅲ期或Ⅳ期者;并认为已经失去开胸手术切除机会。
1.2 仪器设备及参数 射频消融治疗采用美国RITA1500射频发
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