【摘要】 目的 探讨老年乳腺癌治疗方式对生存率的影响及如何提高老年女性乳腺癌的疗效。方法 本组69例60岁以上女性乳腺癌患者,高血压39例,高血压合并糖尿病7例,高血压合并冠心病2例,胆囊炎2例,甲减1例。本组行乳腺癌改良根治61例,单纯乳腺切除术7例,保乳术1例。结果 随访时间为1~6年,1例于行保乳术后2年,腋下复发,再行改良根治。3例在随访13个月至5年,出现肺、肝、骨及脑部位的转移,死亡。5年生存率为95.6%。本组69例老年乳腺癌无一例手术死亡发生。结论 年龄并不是乳腺癌根治术的禁忌,且老年患者从辅助内分泌治疗中获益较多。
【关键词】 老年;乳腺癌;治疗方式
Analysis on treatment of elderly breast cancer
WANG Li,GAO Bei-min,SHEN Wei-da,et al. Department of Breast,Shanghai Changning Branch Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Shanghai 200052,China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the treatment of elderly breast cancer survival rate.To explore ways to improve the efficacy of breast cancer in older women.Methods The group of 69 cases of breast cancer in women over the age of 60,39 cases of high blood pressure,7 cases of diabetes mellitus and hypertension, coronary heart disease in 2 cases,cholecystitis in 2 cases,hypothyroidism in 1 case.The group of 61 cases of breast modified radical mastectomy,simple mastectomy in 7 cases,breast conserving surgery in 1 case.Results Follow up time was 1 ~ 6 years,1 case in the line of breast conserving surgery after two years,but axillary recurred,had modified radical mastectomy.Three cases followed up 13 months to 5 years with the lung,liver,bone and brain metastases,died of this disease.5 year survival rate was 95.6%.The group of 69 cases of senile patients had no death.Conclusion Age is not the taboo of radical mastectomy,and elderly patients benefit from adjuvant endocrine therapy for more.
[Key words] elderly; breast cancer; treatment
1 临床资料
1.1 一般资料 本院自2004年1月—2009年12月共收治60岁以上女性乳腺癌患者69例。同期收治的乳腺癌患者324例,占21.3%。年龄60~81岁,平均64.17岁。发病至就诊时间2天~360个月,平均13个月。
1.2 原发部位 左乳45例,右乳24例,左右之比1.87∶1。其中乳房外上方26例(37.8%),乳房外下方8例(11.6%),乳房内上方11例(15.9%)
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