【摘要】 目的:探讨MRI检查对子宫内膜癌肌层浸润及宫颈浸润的术前诊断及分期价值。方法:回顾性分析55例子宫内膜癌患者临床资料,分析子宫内膜癌术前盆腔的核磁共振图像特点, 判断分期并与手术病理结果相比较。结果:55例子宫内膜癌, MRI均检出。46例MRI检查能够清楚显示瘤灶的形态及大小, 术前做出正确分期;MRI分期与病理分期比较,不符合9例,其中过高分期4例,Ib期MRI 诊断为 Ic期;过低分期5例,Ⅲa期MRI诊断为Ic期,Ⅲc期MRI诊断Ⅲa期。结论:术前盆腔MRI并增强检查可作为子宫内膜癌患者必须检查项目之一, 其为术前诊断子宫内膜癌子宫肌层浸润深度、宫颈浸润和制定治疗方案提供可靠依据。
【关键词】 子宫内膜癌;磁共振成像;手术病理分期;肌层浸润;宫颈浸润
Nuclear magnetic resonance in preoperative diagnosis for muscular and cervical infiltration of endometrial carcinomaZHENG Jinhua1, CHEN Zhongming21.People s Hospital in Hainan Province Haikou 570208; 2.Affiliated Hospital of Hainan Medical College Haikou 570102, China)[ABSTRACT] Objective: To explore the value of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in preoperative diagnosis and staging for muscular and cervical infiltration of endometrial carcinoma. Methods: Clinic data of 55 cases with endometrial carcinoma was retrospectively analyzed. The preoperative MRI images of pelvic, stages were reviewed and compared with pathological results. Results: All cases were diagnosed as endometrial cancer via MRI. 46 cases reviewed and showed clear tumor lesion, and were staged accurately before operation. 9 cases had different MRI staging from pathological results, including 4 cases being judged as Ⅰb stage but was diagnosed asⅠc stage by MRI, and 5 cases being judged as Ⅲa stage but was diagnosed asⅠc stage by MRI, and Ⅲc stage but was diagnosed as Ⅲa stage. Conclusion: Preoperative pelvic MRI and its strengthening examination is necessary for endometrial cancer, and can provide reliable evidence for diagnosis of depth of muscular infiltration, cervical infiltration and arrangement for the treatment.
[KEY WORDS] Endometrial cancer; MRI; Pathological staging; Muscular infiltration; Cervical infiltration
子宫内膜癌是女性生殖道最常见的恶性肿瘤,多发生在50岁左右绝经前后的妇女。近年来, 其发病率呈上升趋势,其早期诊断主要依靠诊断性刮宫。本文对55例子宫内膜癌回顾性分析, 探讨核磁共振成像(MRI)对判断子宫内膜癌肌层浸润及宫颈浸润深度的诊断价值, 旨在提高子宫内膜癌术前诊断的准确性。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
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