【摘要】 目的 探讨“善愈”聚丙烯网片在复发性腹股沟疝手术中的应用。 方法 分析使用“善愈”无张力腹膜前修补法治疗26例腹股沟复发疝的临床与随访资料。结果 手术时间30~40 min,术后8 h下床,8~10 d伤口痊愈后出院。随访至今,无复发病例,无明显异物感,无射精痛。阴囊积液1例,穿刺抽液后治愈,无其他并发症。 结论 “善愈”聚丙烯网片治疗复发性腹股沟疝兼有治疗疝和预防疝的作用,具有操作简便、手术时间短、修补范围大、复发率低的优点,是治疗复发性腹股沟疝较为良好的手术方式,值得进一步推广。
【关键词】 疝,腹股沟;复发; 无张力疝修补术; 腹膜前间隙
Application of EasyProsthesis preperitoneal prosthesis in recurrent inguinal hernia, MA Le|qun1,LI Xin|fang1, DUAN Xiang|long2. (1.The First Department of Surgery, Zhouzhi County People s Hospital, Xi’an 710400, China. 2. Department of General Surgery, Third Hospital, Medical College of Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710068, China)
【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the therapeutic effect with EasyProsthesis polypropylene mesh to repair recurrent inguinal hernia. Methods The date of 26 patients with recurrent inguinal hernia treated by EasyProsthesis preperitoneal prosthesis were retrospectively analyzed. Results The average operating time was 30 to 40 minutes.The average time when the patients can get out of bed after operation was 8 hours. The average length of stay in hospital was 8 to 10 days. No case had recurrence, foreign body sensation, pain with ejaculation in followed|up. One patient experienced scrotal hydrocele, and was cured by drawing the fluid. Conclusions EasyProsthesis polypropylene mesh repair has the action of treating hernia and avoiding recurrence. EasyProsthesis preperitoneal prosthesis repair in recurrent inguinal hernia is a feasible, effective surgical method.
【Key words】 Hernia,inguinal; Recurrent;Tension|free hernioplasty; Preperitoneal space
一、 一般资料
1.修补材料:均使用北京天助公司生产的“善愈”聚丙烯网片作为修补材料。其特点如下:下部为直径10 cm的圆形补片,带有“十”字形伸展条;补片上部中点连有4个花瓣用于固定;附带加强片。
2.手术方法: 26例手术均应用连续硬膜外麻醉方法。切口位置与原传统
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