【关键词】 康惠尔银离子;银离子敷料;硝酸银;糖尿病足;创面;足溃疡
【摘要】 目的 评估康惠尔银离子抗菌敷料在糖尿病足创面的治疗安全性和有效性。方法 入选患者38例(48处)随机分为试验组和对照组两组。试验组18例(24处)在常规治疗基础上,采用康惠尔银离子敷料覆盖创面,对照组20例(24处)采用传统敷料加庆大霉素治疗创面。观察至创面愈合或用药21天时终止试验。比较两组患者创面的愈合时间、愈合率及药物抗感染效果。结果 试验组创面愈合时间为(17±5)天,比对照组(21±4)天明显缩短(P=0.014<0.05),治疗总显效率试验组为91.7%,明显高于对照组的69.2%(P=0.008<0.01),试验组用药时间7、14天累计细菌的清除率为52.2%、87%,较对照组明显提高,P<0.05。用药后两组患者均无不良反应。结论 康惠尔银离子敷料用于治疗糖尿病足创面疗效确切,无明显不良反应,较传统敷料加庆大霉素有更好的安全性和治疗效果。
Observation on effect of diabetic foot with comfeel silver ions dressing
CHEN Fang,ZHOU Yan-bing,ZHOU Wen-jie,et al.Department of Cardiology, Wuhan University People s Hospital,Wuhan 430060,China
[Abstract] Objective To observe the effect and safety of comfeel silver ions dressing in treating diabetic foot ulcer.Methods Thirty-eight cases were divided into two groups randomly.In experimental group,the wounds were treated with comfeel silver ions dressing and the wounds were treated with basic method and gentamicin in control group for the wound healing or after three weeks, then observed the average wound healing time,heal-up rate and the effect of anti-infection.Results In experimental group, the average wound healing time were(17±5)days,but were(21±4)days in control group(P=0.014<0.05). Heal-up rate in experimental group(91.7%) was higher than control group(69.2%)(P=0.008<0.01).Bacterial clearance rate were 52.2%,87% in 7th,14th day,and higher than control group.There was no adverse effect in two groups.Conclusion Comfeel silver ions dressing is effective in treating diabetic foot ulcer.
[Key words] silver ions dressing;diabetic foot;wound
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