从老年人生活方式谈社区卫生服务对策 |
肖柳红 钟华荪 王育珊
摘要:为探索老年人社区服务对策,以广州市诗书街60岁以上老年人为研究对象,调查1027名老年人生活方式与健康状况。结果表明:嗜烟者呼吸系统和心脑血管疾病发病率明显高于无吸烟习惯者;嗜酒者易患消化系统疾病。结果还显示老年人对吸烟、饮酒的危害性尚无深刻的认识,患慢性病者较注重健身运动,闲暇活动越多的老人对个人健康状况的自我评价越好。提出老年人社区卫生服务的重点是改变其不良行为,促进其积极参与健身运动,以预防疾病的发生。 关键词:老年人 生活方式 社区卫生服务 中图分类号:R473.2 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1006-1584(1999)04-0156-02
Talking on Countermeasures of Community Sanitary Service Based on Life Style of the Aged Xiao Liuhong,Zhong Huasun,Wang Yushan (People's Hospital of Guangd ong Province,Guangdong 510080 China)
Abstract:1 027 cases old people at the age of beyond 60 yrs who lived in Shishu Avenue of Guangzhou City were randomly investigated.They were as ked about their life style and health condition.Results showed that morbidities of respiratory system diseases and cardio-cerebral angiopathy in the aged smoker were markedly higher than that in the aged non-smoker.The old drinker were pron e to suffer from digestive system diseases.And yet,old people have little kno wle dge about harmfulness of smoking and drinking.Those the aged who suffered from c hronic diseases paid more attention to do gymnastic exercises.the more activitie s the aged have in spare time,the better self-evaluation they can get for their health condition.In conclusion,the important strategic point in the aged communi ty sanitary services should advocate healthy behaviour and give up bad habits to prevent all kinds of diseases from happening. Key words:The aged Life style Community sanitary service
1 对象与方法 1.1 对象:选取广州市诗书街60岁以上的老年人1 438人作为调查对象,其中收回有效资料1027份,占71.4%。在1027人中,男417人,占40.6%,女610人,占59.4%;年龄60岁~87岁。 1.2 方法:采用中华医学会老年医学分会流行病学组推荐的统一调查表,详细调查老年人的生活习惯、烟酒嗜好、消闲活动、健康自评、情绪状态、患病情况(主要包括心脑血管疾病、呼吸系统疾病、消化系统疾病),疾病的诊断标准均按我国及WHO规定的标准。
2 结果 2[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 国际眼病中心病房管理体制探讨 下一个医学论文: 癌症病人应对研究进展