型白细胞介素浓度变化与烧伤程度的关系 |
李智 李树贞
摘要:为了解严重烧伤病人血浆IL-8浓度的变化,采用ELISA法检测18例严重烧伤病人伤后2周内的血浆IL-8浓度。结果显示:IL-8血浆浓度在伤后升高,伤情较重组高于伤情较轻组。提示:烧伤程度越重,炎症反应越明显,IL-8水平变化与烧伤病情相关。护理人员在临床工作中应注意IL-8浓度变化,以便为评估病情、健康教育等提供理论依据。 关键词:烧伤 Ⅷ型白细胞介素 护理 中图分类号:R471 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-1584(2000)02-0051-02
Relations Between IL-8 Concentration and Degree of Burns
Li Zhi,Li Shuzhen (Second Military Medical University of PLA,Shanghai 200433 China)
Abstract:To know the enlightenment to nursing work of plasma IL-8 concentration changes in severe burn patients. Plasma concentrations of IL-8 were detected in 18 cases of severely burn patients within 2 weeks via ELISA. Results showed that plasma levels of IL-8 was elevated after burnt. And it was higher in severely burnt group than that in lightly burnt group. Suggested that the more severe of the burn, the more obvious of the inflammatory reaction. Changes of IL-8 plasma level were related to the state of burn. Nursing staff should pay attention to the changes of IL-8 concentration in their clinical work. It can provide a theoretical basis both for evaluating the state of illness and for health education. Key words:Burn Interleukin-8 Nursing care
1 材料与方法
1.1 临床资料:选择严重烧伤病人18例,年龄35岁±10岁;男14例,女4例。烧伤总体表面积(TBSA)为40%~94%,其中8例有吸入性损伤,5例并发呼吸功能不全,临床表现:呼吸> 30/min,动脉血氧分压<8.0 kPa,需呼吸机辅助呼吸。对照组选取健康志愿者10名,两组在性别、年龄、吸烟史、既往病史方面均无统计学差异。 1.2 烧伤组病人于烧伤后6 h、12 h、24 h、48 h、4 d、7 d、14 d取外周静脉血,离心取血浆于-80 ℃冰箱保存至检测。同时采用常规方法测量体温、脉搏及外周血白细胞计数。对照组取血后与烧伤组同样处理保存。采用酶联免疫法(ELISA法)。试剂盒为美国GENZYME公司生产,敏感度为10 pg/ml。 1.3 采用统计学t检验。
2 结果
2.1 体温:烧伤组病人体温在伤后呈上升趋势,1周后开始下降。在TBSA>70%组,体温上升趋势更明显,尤其伤后4 d、7 d、14 d时显著增高,分别为37.80 ℃±0.13 ℃、38.60 ℃±0.25 ℃、38.70 ℃±0.18 ℃;而TBSA[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 护理干预对糖尿病病人抑郁焦虑心理的影响 下一个医学论文: 有关颅脑损伤病人护理诊断临床应用探讨