早期系统化康复护理对截瘫患者生活质量的影响 |
麻妙群 梅映台 张丽 徐梅玉 陈美萍
摘要 目的:探讨早期系统化康复护理对截瘫患者生活质量的影响及临床价值。方法:选择外伤性截瘫患者64例,随机分为早期系统化康复护理组和传统护理组。对两组患者的日常生活活动能力采用FIM量表和肢体运动功能用改良式Fugl-Meyer量表及并发症发生情况进行3个月的观察、评估。结果:早期系统化康复护理组在1个月和3个月时的FIM、Fugl-Meyer得分显著提高,明显优于传统护理组(P<0.05),并发症明显低于传统护理组(P<0.05)。结论:早期系统化康复护理能明显改善截瘫患者的肢体运动功能,增强日常生活活动能力,降低并发症,提高生活质量。 关键词 截瘫 康复护理 生活质量
The influence of early systematic rehabilitation nursing on paraplectic patients' life quality
Ma Miaoqun Zhang Li Chen Meiping (The Lishui Prefectural Hospital,Lishui 323000) Mei Yingtai Xu Meiyu (The Second Hospital of Lishui Prefecture,Lishui 323000)
Abstract To explore the influence of early systematic rehabilitation nursing on paraplectic patients' life quality and the value of early systematic rehabilitation nursing in clinical implication,64 cases of paraplegia were randomly divided into the group of early rehabilitation nursing (group A) and the group of traditional nursing (group B).The active of daily living (ADL),the functional activity of limbs and complication in the two groups were studied for 3 months,using FIM for rating ADL,modified Fugl-Meyer for evaluating the functional activity of limbs.The results showed that the scores of FIM and Fugl-Meyer at the first month and the third month in the group A were significantly increased as compared with those in the group B (P<0.05),while the complication was significantly lower than in the group B (P<0.05).It was concluded that early systematic rehabilitation nursing could improve the ADL and life quality of paraplectic patients and reduce its complication. Key words paraplegia rehabilitation nursing quality of life
1 资料与方法
1.1 病例选择与分组 选择1997年12月至1999年1月在丽水地[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 母婴同室床位设置优势的研讨 下一个医学论文: 针灸治疗宫颈癌术后尿潴留的研究