丁卡因山莨菪碱凝胶用于静脉穿刺镇痛效果观察 |
曾爱丽 刘成美 徐秀英 陈晓梅 曲冠云 武林萍
摘要 为观察丁卡因山莨菪碱凝胶对神经末梢产生的镇痛效果,将184例择期手术病人随机分为观察组与对照组各92例。在行静脉穿刺前,观察组使用丁卡因山莨菪碱凝胶涂敷;对照组使用丁卡因凝胶涂敷。结果:两组间的镇痛有效率比较,差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。提示:局麻药丁卡因山莨菪碱经皮吸收对神经末梢(特别终末小体)有明显的镇痛效果,可减轻静脉穿刺时病人的痛苦。 关键词 丁卡因 山莨菪碱 静脉穿刺 镇痛
Clinical Observation on Analgesic Effects of Tetracaineanisodamine Gels in Venipuncture
Zeng Aili Liu Chengmei Xu Xiuying Chen Xiaomei Qu Guanyun Wu Linping (Laizhou People's Hospital of Shandong Province, Laizhou 261400)
Abstract To study the analgesic effect of tetracaineanisodamine gels in venipuncture, 184 operative patients were randomly divided into two groups equally: experimental group and control group. The patients in the experimental group were given to the coating of tetracaineanisodamine gels, but the patients in the control group underwent the coating of tetracaine gels. The skin analgesic effect of the medicine was evaluated. There was a significant difference in the skin analgesic effect between experimental group and control group (P<0.01). The absorption of tetracaineanisodamine by skin could cause analgesic effect obviously and could be used to alleviate the pain of the patients during venipuncture. Key words tetracaine amisodamine venipunture analgesia
静脉穿刺是一种有创护理操作技术,尤其是病人需用18 G以上粗针头作静脉穿刺时,给其造成了一定的身心痛苦。有文献报道[1],盐酸丁卡因碱化凝胶减轻静脉穿刺疼痛的起效时间为45 min;利多卡因和丙胺卡因贴敷起效时间为60 min。为了缩短镇痛起效时间,达到镇痛目的,减轻病人的痛苦,探索丁卡因山莨菪碱凝胶的镇痛效果,1998年1月至1999年8月,我院对接受丁卡因山莨菪碱凝胶和丁卡因凝胶涂敷的184例病人进行了镇痛效果观察,现将结果报告如下。
1 对象
2 方法
2.1 药液配制 用40 ml蒸馏水使2.5 g甲基纤维素钠溶解膨胀,然后将5 g丁卡因、2%山莨菪碱20 ml溶于适量的乙醇中分次少量加入,制成丁卡因山莨菪碱凝胶至100 ml。 2.2 方法 观察组:①选用左手桡侧腕部头静脉,皮肤无破损且较光滑,先用95%酒精擦拭去脂(利于凝胶渗透),再涂丁卡因山莨菪碱凝胶,涂药面积5 cm×4 cm,药厚2~3 mm,粘贴巾覆盖。②将病人随机分为A组26例,用以上方法涂敷10 min后穿刺;B组26例,涂敷20 min;C组20例,涂敷30 min;D组20例,涂敷40 min。③行穿刺时,先用75%酒精擦去凝胶,再用0.2%碘酊消毒,观[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 产力宝用于第二产程的效果观察 下一个医学论文: 高渗盐水加