中 晚期食管癌病人行低氧放疗的观察与护理 |
耿忠霓 刁永书 何 敏
摘要 将59例中、晚期食管癌病人随机分为对照组(28例)和实验组(31例),分别采用常规根治性放疗与低氧吸入根治性放疗。观察病人的皮肤反应、末梢血白细胞计数及近期疗效。结果:两组疗效无显著差异,而实验组皮肤反应的发生率明显降低,末梢血白细胞下降亦不明显。护理中应重视病人心理护理,加强低氧耐力的观察。 关键词 食管癌 低氧放射疗法 护理 中国图书资料分类号 R473.73
Observation and Nursing Care on Mid-late Stage Esophagus Cancer Treated With Low-oxygen Inhalation and Irradiation
Geng Zhongni,Diao Yongshu,He Min(First Affiliated Hospital of Huaxi Medical University,Sichuan 610041 China)
Abstract Selected 59 cases of mid-late stage esophagus cancer.They were divided randomly into control group (28 cases)and test group(31 cases),and treated with routine radical irradiation and low-oxygen inhalation radical irradiation respectively.Skin reaction,peripheral WBC and short-term effect of the patients were observed. Results showed that there was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of curative effect.But skin reaction rate in test group was markedly lower than that in control group.And falling of peripheral WBC was not significant in test group.Nurses should pay more attention to psychological nursing care and observation on duration of low-oxygen. Key words Esophagus cancer Low-oxygen inhalation and irradiation therapy Nursing care
1 临床资料
1.1 病例选择 经病理学诊断为食管癌初治病人,能耐受根治性放射治疗,无严重的心肺疾病,经低氧耐力试验反应良好者,共59例,随机将其分为实验组(31例)和对照组(28例)。病理学诊断结果为鳞癌。分组后基本情况见表1,经χ2检验,具有良好的可比性(P>0.05)。
表1 两组病人的基本情况 例
组别 例数 性别 平均年龄 X线分型1) 平均病变长度 梗阻程度 男 女 岁 Ⅰ型 Ⅱ型 Ⅲ型 cm 轻 中 重 实验组 31 30 1 56 16 15 0 6.2 7 22 2 对照组 28 23 5 56 16 10 2 6.6 6 19 3
1) Ⅰ型为髓质型,Ⅱ型为溃疡型,Ⅲ型为缩窄型。 1.2 治疗计划 两组均用60Co治疗,放射总量为70Gy,实验组病人吸入低氧(氧含量为10.5%的氧氮混合气体)放疗,对照组单纯放疗。 1.3 观察指标 1.3.1 皮肤反应:根据全国放疗皮肤反应的标准分为0级~Ⅳ级[3]。 1.3.2 末梢血白细胞计数:在放射治疗前、结束后24h采集末梢血进行血白细胞计数。 1.3.3 疗效评价:在治疗前及治疗[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 高位肠瘘病人的营养支持 下一个医学论文: 监护设备对病人造成医原性损伤的预防