【摘要】 目的 总结大隐静脉切开术后防范导管感染的护理体会。方法 102例大隐静脉切开患者中,导管尖端培养有菌生长17例,感染率为16.7%,其中5例引起全身感染并死亡。分析影响导管感染的好发因素,提出护理工作中预防及治疗措施。结果 导管留置时间长(≥5d)、插管时经创面切开、静脉高营养是增加导管尖端感染的主要因素。结论 科学细致的护理能有效预防静脉插管感染。
关键词 大隐静脉 静脉切开术 导管感染 护理
Nursing experience on prevention of catheter infection after
venesection of great saphenous vein
Li Ling,Kang Hong,Sun Shaoqiong,et al.
Central Hospital of Panzhihua,Sichuan617067.
【Abstract】 Objective To summarize nursing experience on prevention of catheter infection after venesection of great saphenous vein.Methods 102patients were carried out phlebectomy in v.great saphenous during past9years.Postoperation catheter infection developed in17cases with the morbidity of16.7%and5cases leaded to systemic infecˉtion then died ultimately.The common factors that caused intravenous catheter infection were analyzed,so as to improve the treatment and prevention measrues in nursing work.Results Catheter extremity infection correlated closely with deˉlayed decannulation time(≥5d),through wound approach and intravenous yperalimentation.Conclusion Careful nursˉing might lower down the infection frequency effectively.
Key words great saphenous vein venesection catheter infection nursing
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组患者102例,男67例,女35例;年龄6~71岁,平均(42.3±11.2)岁。外伤急性失血性休克64例,大面积烧伤28例,晚期癌症恶病质6例,其它原因致静脉切开困难者4例。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 静脉切开指征 伤后延迟复苏,短期内需要输入大量液体而静脉穿刺有困难者;烧伤面积过大,体表静脉栓塞或不能查找者;较持久的静脉内滴注。
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