【摘要】 目的 探讨超声定位引导下慢性乙型肝炎肝组织活检术的护理方法和经验。方法 对50例慢性乙型肝炎患者行超声定位引导下肝组织活检术,并给予全程护理配合。结果 手术成功率100%,术中和术后均未发生护理并发症。结论 超声定位引导下慢性乙型肝炎组织活检术有助于从组织病理学上明确肝炎分期及肝硬化的分级的重要方法;护理方面应注意术前要做好心理护理及各项准备,术中密切观察病情变化,严格无菌技术操作,及时配合术者处理各种并发症,术后要严密监测生命体征,加强基础护理和健康教育,积极预防并发症。
关键词 超声引导 活检 护理
The nursing methods and experiences of liver biopsy under the guidance of ultrasonography for chronic hepatitis B
Yuan Xiaojuan,Gao Qingli,Wang Fen
Department of ICU,the Chang’an Hospital of Xi’an,Shanxi710016.
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the nursing methods and experience of liver biopsy under the guidance of ulˉtrasonography for chronic hepatitis B.Methods A total of50HBsAg positive patients undergone liver biopsy,and were given care through the full course.Results Liver tissues were obtained successfully in all patients(100%),no complicaˉtions occurred during or after the operation.Conclusion Liver biopsy for hepatitis B help to demonstrate the phase of hepatitis and grade of liver cirrhosis in pathology.For nursing,mental care and preparatio
n before operation were necesˉsary,the state of illness change during the course of the work should be watched carewfully,every complication could be handled in time.After the surgery,the tight guardianship were done,fundamental nursing and health education were exˉpected to be strengthened,and complications should be prevented positively.Key words ultrasongraphy liver biopsy nursing
慢性病毒性乙型肝炎是一种全球性传染病,乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原阳性者约3亿人 [1] ,发展中国家是乙型肝炎病毒感染的高发区,为了对慢性毒性乙型肝炎患者做出更准确的诊断,我科于2000年4月~2001年10月对50例HBsAg阳性的患者行超声定位引导下肝组织活检术,并对所取得的标本,行组织病理学诊断及免疫组化染色检查,明确肝脏炎症活动分裂和肝纤维化程度分期,现将护理体会报告如下。
1 资料与方法
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