关键词:人性照护理论 实验教学
[摘要] 目的 探讨人性照护理念在《护理学基础》实验教学中的意义。方法 运用华生(Jean Watson)人性照护理论,改变教学方法,在实验教学中引入人性照护护理模式,修改原有各项对人操作项目步骤,在操作全程中设置护患对话、人性照护内容并予以细化,在2004级护生中实施。结果 在《护理学基础》实验教学中引入人性照护护理模式,能提高护生基本操作技能,培养人文关怀品德及沟通交流能力。结论 护生人性照护意识的培养应从前期教学开始,通过反复训练,能使护生在提高《护理学基础》基本操作技能的基础上,转变护理服务理念,加强护患沟通交流,为建立和谐护患关系、减少护患纠纷奠定良好的基础。
[关键词] 人性照护理论;实验教学;护患关系;护患纠纷
Application of human caring theory in teaching of experiment and its significance
ZHU Qune.Medical School of Jiaxing University,Jiaxing 314001,China
[Abstract] Objective The aim of this paper is to explore the significance of the concept of human caring in the teaching of experiment.Methods Watson’s theory of human caring is employed as guiding principle while new approach is adopted and new pattern of caring based on human caring theory is introduced.In addition,such new procedures as invented dialogues between nurses and patients are used for the old ones in the hope to apply the human caring theory in details.The new approach is implemented in teaching of the nursing students of grade 2004.Results Our new approach can improve the operating skills and communication ability of nursing students,and raise their awareness of human caring.Conclusion To establish harmonious relationship between nurses and patients in the future and avoid dispute between them,it is necessary to introduce human caring theory earlier in the teaching of experiment and foster the consciousness of human caring.
[Key words] human caring theory;teaching of experiment;relationship between nurses and patients;dispute between nurses and patients
人性照护理论是美国科罗拉多大学护理学院著名护理学教授、护理理论家华生(Watson J)博士于1979年创立,经过她不断完善后,于1985年再次修订发表理论著作《护理:人性科学和人性照护》[1]。她的人性照护理论包括10个人性照护因素:(1)形成人性—利他主义价值
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