李军文 李继平
【摘要】 目的 创造良好的监护环境,提高危重症监护水平。 方法 探讨监护环境中物理环境、生理环境、心理环境和操作环境中存在给患者康复带来负性影响的因素和相应的护理措施。 结果 有效的临床护理对策降低了监护环境对患者的负性影响,提高了临床护理质量。 结论 有效的护理对策可创造良好的监护环境,提高对危重症患者的临床护理水平,促进患者的康复。
关键词 监护环境 负性影响 护理对策
Negative influences of monitoring environments on intensive care patients and its nursing measure
Li Junwen,Li Jiping
The First Hospital Affiliated to Medical College of Shihezi University,Xinjiang832008.
【Abstract】 Objective To create a favourable monitoring environment and to improve the level of intensive care.Methods Exploring not only the negative factors in the physical environment,physiological environment,psy-chological environment and operating environment,which will influence the healthy of patients,but also the nursing in-terventions.Results The effective clinical nursing interventions can lower the level of negative influence of monitoring environment and improve the quality of clinical care.Conclusion The effective nursing interventions can create a favourable monitoring environment and improve the level of intensive care and promote the convalescence of patients.
Key words protected environment negative influence nursing interventions
1 监护室环境存在的负性影响因素
1.1 监护室物理环境的负性影响因素
1.1.1 声音 主
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