心理护理在取卵术前后的应用 |
谢丽萍 王苏梅 郑琛琛
【摘要】 目的 取卵术手术前后实施心理护理以有效控制患者焦虑水平的上升。 方法 将106例取卵患者分为两组,试验组53例实施心理护理,采用汉密顿焦虑量表和焦亚萍围手术期心理护理效果评分表,对照组53例实施取卵术的常规护理,以两组的焦虑水平程度及部分生理变化作为指标。 结果 试验组焦虑程度低于对照组。试验组的血压、心率平均变化值低于对照组。试验组的肌肉紧张程度低于对照组。 结论 心理护理能降低取卵术前后的焦虑情绪,提高手术耐受能力,增加患者对护士的信任感和护理满意度,使围手术期护理趋于人性化、科学化。 关键词 心理护理 紧张焦虑 取卵术 Psychological nursing before and after obtain ovum Xie Liping,Wang Sumei,Zheng Chenchen Department of ART,Shenzhen Hospital Affiliated to Beijing University,Shenzhen518036. 【Abstract】 Objective Psychological nursing can be control effectively of up anxious level before and after obtain ovum.Methods 106patients obtained ovum were divided into two groups,test group53cases,and control group53cases.The test group psychological nursing,accessed by Hamilton Anxiety scale(HAMA),Jiao Yaping Scde around operation psychology nursing received.The control group was general nursing around obtain ovum.The evalua-tion index was the anxious level and part physiological shifty about these two groups.Results Test group s anxious level lower than that of contrast group.Test group s blood pressure,heart rate were lower than contrast group s.Test group s muscle nervous lower than contrast group s.Conclusion Psychological nursing can decrease preoperative anxiety,raise the tolerance,strengthen the sense of their faith in nurses and also improve the rate of satisfactions. Key words psychological nursing anxiety obtain ovum 取卵术是体外受精-胚胎移植治疗不孕症的技术之一。取卵术对患者的躯体有一定的创伤,患者普遍对取卵术缺乏了解,关心取卵术的医生和效果,担心取卵过程中疼痛,害怕取不到卵,缺乏信心等。往往会产生过度的恐惧、怕痛等紧张和焦虑情绪。笔者通过观测患者取卵前后焦虑水平及其部分生理指标的变化情况,探讨辅助生育科护士对取卵术患者术前术后实施积极的心理护理的临床意义。
[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 浅谈更年期妇女的辨证施护 下一个医学论文: 浅谈对老年病人的整体护理