【摘要】 目的 通过观察肺通气功能中度减退患者术前肺功能与术后并发症的发生情况,探讨围术期护理措施。方法 回顾性总结我院2000年1月~2003年1月行肺癌手术治疗的31例肺功能减退的患者资料。结果 该组患者术后常见低氧血(41.9%),心律失常或心功能不全(25.8%),肺部感染(25.8%)等一般并发症,呼吸衰竭、心功衰竭等严重并发症的发生率分别为:9.7%;围手术期病死率为3.2%(1例为左全肺切除术后发生右肺感染、呼吸衰竭,术后10天死亡;另1例右中上肺叶切除术后出现大出血,后并发多器官功能衰竭,术后6天放弃治疗而自动出院)。结论 肺功能中度减退的肺癌患者围术期护理能有效地降低并发症的发生率及病死率。
关键词 肺癌 肺通气功能减退 围手术期 护理
Perioperative nursing of moderate decrement of pulmonary function in lung cancer patients
Zhang Zhuqing,Xin Mingzhu,Zou Xiumei.
ICU,Tumour Hospital of Zhongshan University,Guangdong510060.
【Abstract】 Objective To discuss the perioperative nursing of moderate decrement of pulmonary function in lung cancer patients after observing the pulmonary function preoperation and complication postoperation.Methods We analˉysed thedata of31patients of decerment of pulmonary function after lung cancer operation retrospectively from2000to2003.Results The rate of hypoxemia was41.9%,arrhythmia or cardiac insuficiency25.8%,pulmonary infection25.8%,respiratory failure or cardiac insufficiency9.7%and the mortality was3.2%.Conclusion Perioperative nursˉing of moderate decrement of pulmonary function can decrease complications and mortality.
Key words lung cancer decrement of pulmonary function perioperationnursing
1 临床资料
2 结果
3 围手术期护理
3.1 术前护理
3.1.1 加强心理护理,完善健康教育 严格戒烟,ICU
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