不同护龄护士针刺伤情况的调查分析 |
摘要 目的:了解不同护龄护士针刺伤情况。方法:采用问卷调查法,调查550名临床护士1年内的针刺伤情况,根据被调查者不同的护龄分三组(1~5年组、6~10年组、11年以上组)统计。结果:①年针刺伤率与护龄成反比:护龄1~5年组95.7%,6~10年组90.6%,11年以上组83.37%,1~5年组与11年以上组比较x2=15.5,P<0.01。②针刺伤频度以6~10年组最高、11年以上组最低,二组比较t=4.344,P<0.01;1~5年组居中,与11年以上组比较t=3.381,P<0.01。③1~5年组和6~10年组的针刺伤率及刺伤频度分别相互比较差异均无统计学意义,P>0.05。结论:①护龄的差异影响针刺伤的率和频度。②低年资护士是针刺伤的高危人群。
关键词 针刺伤 护士 护理工作时间
Abstract Objective:Understand the conditions of nurses being stabbed with different nursing ages.Method:Investigate the conditions of 550 clinic nurses being stabbed by means of a questionnaire,and the nurses are divided into three groups according to their different nursing ages;Result:①The rate of nurses being stabbed becomes inverse proportion with their nursing ages: the group of between 1~5 years is 95.7%,the one of 6~10 years is 90.6%,and the one of over 11 years is 83.37%; the comparison between the first group and the last is x2=15.5,P<0.01.②The frequency of nurses being stabbed of the three groups the one of 6~10 is the highest,while the one of over 11 is the lowest.The comparison between the two is t=4.344,P<0.01;the one of 1~5 occupies a medial position,and the comparison with the group of over 11 is t=3.381,P<0.01.③The Dfference of the rate and frequency of nurses being stabbed that the comparison between the group of 1~5 years and 6~10 years has no meaning,P>0.05.Conclusion:①The different nursing ages influenced the rate and the frequency of nurses being stabbed.②the young nurses are the high risk groups of needle-stick injury.
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