腓肠内侧动脉穿支带蒂皮瓣修复髌前软组织缺损的手术配合体会 |
摘要 目的:总腓肠内侧动脉穿支带蒂皮瓣修复髌前软组织缺损的临床应用结果。方法:用这种方法修复6例髌前区软组织缺损,其中髌前缺损3例,前外侧缺损2例,前内侧缺损1例,供区均选用同侧小腿。 结果:1例术后发生表浅感染。经交换敷料逐渐愈合,皮瓣全部成活,术后经过顺利,取得了较满意的效果。没有发现明显的供区功能障碍。 结论:该皮瓣以腓肠内侧动脉的肌皮穿支为血供,具有血供丰富,血管解剖恒定,血管蒂长,以及皮瓣较薄的优点,带蒂移植适宜修复髌前软组织缺损。
关键词 穿支皮瓣 带蒂移植 缺损 手术配合
Abstract Objective:To summarize clinical application of the medial sural artery perforator pedicled flap to cover sofl tissue defects on the prepatellar region.Methods:Six patients with soft tissue defects on the prepatellar region underwent reparation with this method,Of them,3 cases recipient site were loeated on the prepatellar region,2 cases were located on the anteromedial patellar The donor leg was ipsilateral in all cases.Results:One case sustained superfieial in eetion postoperative and the graduai wound healed by daily wound dressings. All the flaps had survived compietely without major complication with satisfactory clinical reselts,there was no remarkable donor site morbidity.Conclusions: The medial sural artery perforator flap is nourished by the musculocutaneous perforater of the medial sural artery. The flaps seem to has highly vascnlarize a constant vascular anatomy and a long vasular pedicle.The flap is thin and suitable for repair of soft tissue defect on the prepatellar region.
Key Words perforator flap pedicled transfer defect operation coordination
以腓肠内侧动脉为血供的腓肠肌肌瓣或肌皮瓣在临床应用近30年了,但随着显微解剖学的深入研究,Caradas等[1]发现,可利用腓肠内侧动脉的肌皮穿支,作为穿支皮瓣切取,于不牺牲肌肉,扩大了手术适应症,我们在临床用该方法行带蒂移植修复髌[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 39例声带息肉术后护理 下一个医学论文: 糖尿病患者应用胰岛素治疗的护理体会