X线介导下置入中心静脉导管引流血性心包积液的观察与护理 |
摘要 目的:探讨置入中心静脉导管持续引流心包积液的护理。方法:血性心包积液患者20例在X线介导下经皮心包穿刺置入国产中心静脉导管持续引流,通过加强对患者的健康教育及心理护理,使患者积极配合治疗,重视术前准备,加强生命体征监测,做好引流管护理。结果:20例患者置管引流均获成功,术后心率、血压、呼吸等恢复正常,临床症状缓解。术后导管脱位1例,无感染、导管阻塞等并发症发生。结论:置入国产中心静脉导管持续引流是一种安全有效的方法。
关键词 心包积液 中心静脉导管 置管 护理
Abstract Objective:To investigate the method nursing of pericardial drainage with indwelling central vein catheter under x-ray guidance. Methods:20 patients with hemorrhagic pericardial drainage with indwelling central vein catheter under x-ray guidance. Make patients cooperative by health education and psychological nursing, pay attention to the preparation before operation,the observation of life sign and the nursing of drainage-tubes.Results:The procedures of indwelling central vein catheter for pericardial effusion were successfully performed in all 20 patients. Heart rate, respiration and blood pressure resume within(15.6±3.2)minutes,clinical symptoms were instantly relieved. Catheter dislocation was found in 1 case, no infection or catheter obstruction and other complications. Conclusions: Pericardial drainage with indwelling central vein catheter is a safe and effective method in patients with pericardial effusion.
Key words pericardial effusion central vein catheter indwelling catheter nursing
1 资料与方法
1.1 病例资料 我院2003年1月~2005年5月血心包积液患者20例,男13例,女7例,年龄(22~68)岁,B超检查示心包壁层与脏层间的液性暗区厚度≥10mm,所有病例在X线介导下经皮穿刺置入中心静脉导管引流心包积液。病因为结核性11例,肿瘤性5例,不明原因4例。
1.2 方法 所有病例术前行心脏B超检查,根据积液分布确定穿刺点、进针方向及深度。穿刺部位在剑突下(n=14)及左侧第(5~6)肋间隙心浊音界内(1.5~2)cm处(n=6)。采用国产ABLE16号(20cm catheter length,0.035inch guidewrie dia)中心静脉导管在X线介导下经皮穿刺[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 心身护理与病人满意度 下一个医学论文: 浅析孕妇被动吸烟对胎儿的影响