唐秀花 刘海玲 何玲玲
中图分类号:R472.3 文献标识码:A
Evaluation on Preoperative and Postoperative Care Visit
TANG Xiu-hua,LIU Hai-ling,HE Ling-ling
(Nursing Department of Armed Police’s General Hospital,Shanghai,200000,China)
Obstract:To investigate the results of operative care by a new mode,we carried out preoperative and postoperative care visits on the basis of intraoperative care to make the operative care a complete,systematic,and continuous care.The results are as follows:(1)The patients heightened their faith in the nurses and cleared up their fear.(2)The specialized quality of the nurses were improved.(3)The scientific method of care procedures was applied in the care of operating room.(4)A closer relation between ward and operating room was established and the relationship between the patients and the nurses was improved.
Key words:operative period; nursing;visit; evaluation
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 手术患者73例,其中男44例,女29例。年龄15~71岁。病例来源:普外科28例,骨科21例,泌尿科7例,五官科13例,脑外科4例。被访问者不受麻醉方法的限制。
1.2 方法 由负责该手术的巡回护士,作为责任护士于手术前一天对患者进行访问。访问的内容依据本科室制定的手术室护士行为准则进
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