作者:李远敏 于红 史小娟 张瑞萍
摘要:目的 就16例高危骨肉瘤的临床特点及护理,重点讨论如何实施科学的护理措施。方法 (1)严密观察病情。(2)保持环境舒适安静,保持湿度为60%~70%,避免因多种刺激引起情绪紧张而诱发大咯血。(3)防止病理性骨折的发生。(4)对疼痛患者合理选择给药途径。(5)做耐心细致地心理护理,用成功的病例激励患者。(6)针对不同用药方法,做好化疗期护理。(7)保肢手术后护理及康复护理。结果 16例均未出现严重感染等并发症。随访1年6个月,死亡2例,带病存活9例。其中行保肢手术11例,保肢率68.7%,并均获得较满意的关节功能。结论 高危骨肉瘤治疗的复杂性和综合性,使相应护理措施的难度增加,根据病情,制定合理的护理计划,将有助于提高护理质量,使患者得到积极地救治,提高生存质量。
中图分类号:R473.6 文献标识码:B
The Nursing of the Patients with High Dangerous Osteosarcoma
LI Yuan-min,YU hong,SHI Xiao-juan,et al
(Orthopaedic Department of Xijing Hospital,Fourth Military Medical University,Xi an,710032,China)
Abstract:The patients with limb osteosarcoma always have lung metastasis.Patients with pathological bone fracture or huge tumor are always regarded as high dangerous osteosarcoma.The serious state of the illness,the bad condition of the patient and the dangerous prognosis makes the treatment and the nursing much difficult.With the development of the techniques of the tumor orthopedics,many of this kind of patients have been cured positively and the requirement on the nursing has raised correspondingly.This is quite significant to nursing this kind of patients effectively.Here we introduce the clinical characteristics and the principle of the treatment.The method of the nursing is much stressed here.
Key words:osteosarcoma; high danger;nurseing
1 材料与方法
1.1 临床资料 本组16例,男9例,年龄15~20岁;女
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