姜杨 徐满芳 楼晓芳
摘要:目的 探讨护士长身心健康水平。方法 采用康奈尔健康问卷(CMI)对215名护士长测查,根据护士长从事的管理年限不同及文化程度的差异进行分组比较。结果 从事护理管理5年以内的护士长其愤怒部分的分值高于从事护理管理5年以上护士长(P<0.05),呼吸系统、既往病史的分值低于5 年以上(P<0.05)。大专学历的护士长其习惯的分值低于中专学历护士长(P<0.01),疲劳感的分值高于中专学历护士长(P<0.05)。结论 护士长身心健康总体水平较好,从事护理管理年限、文化层次不同,在身心健康方面有一定差距。提示在情境多变、情况复杂的工作条件下,护士长要保持积极稳定的情绪状态。
中图分类号:R47 文标标识码:A
Evaluation on Somatopsychological Health Levels of Head Nurses by Using Cornell Medical Index
JIANG Yang,XU Man-fang,LOU Xiao-fang
(Department of Nursing,Zhejiang Institute of Mental Health,Hangzhou 311122,China)
Abstract:Objective To learn about the somatopsychological health levels of head nurses.Methods 215 head nurses were investigated by using Cornell Medical Index(CMI) to compare the differences in their somatopsychological health levels on the basis of service years in nursing management and education background.Results The head nurses who had less than 5 years of nursing management showed higher scores of irritability and lower scores of the respiratory system diseases and the past history of illness than those who had longer service year(P<0.05,P<0.05).The head nurses who received junior college education showed lower scores of habituation and higher scores of languor than those who received secondary technical school education(P<0.001,P<0.05).Conclusion Somatopsychological levels of the head nurses are good by and large,though there are some differences in virtue of different service years in nursing management and education background.Head nurses should maintain a positive and stable psychological state especially when they are confronted with changeable situation and complex working conditions.
Key words:head nurses;somatopsychological health levels;Cornell medical index(CMI)
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