作者:冯小平 陕海丽 秦安华 杨彦文
摘要:目的和方法 采用常规导尿法和改进的尿道内灌注利多卡因麻醉剂加液体石蜡润滑剂的导尿方法,对30例老年前列腺增生患者在行导尿术前30 min和导尿插管过程中SBP、DBP、HR的变化进行实验对照。结果 在导尿插管过程中,实验组SBP、DBP、HR与术前30 min比较,经t检验,P>0.05,无统计学差异;对照组SBP、DBP、HR与术前30 min比较,经t检验,P<0.05,有统计学差异。结论 提示老年前列腺增生患者采用改进的尿道内表面麻醉加灌注润滑剂的导尿方法,可减少尿道损伤及疼痛、紧张、恐惧等不良刺激所引起的应激反应,增加导尿时的安全性,提高导尿成功率。
中图分类号:R472.9 文献标识码:A
Effects of Different Urethral Catheterizations on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Senile Patients with Prostatic Hyperplasia
FENG Xiao-ping,SHAN Hai-li,QIN An-hua,YANG Yan-wen
(Cadre Word,Chinese People s Armed Police Forces General Hospital,Beijing 100039,China)
Abstract:Objective and methods To examine the different effects of the normal urethral catheterization and the modified method by pouring lidocaine and paraffin liquid into the urethra on blood pressure(BP) and heart rate(HR) by comparing the changes of systolic blood pressure(SBP),diastolic blood pressure(DBP) and HR 30 minutes prior to and during the procedure.Results SBP,DBP and HR remained stable in the group using the modified method(P>0.05),and changed significantly in the group using the normal method(P<0.05).Conclusion The results indicate that the modified urethral catheterization is a safer and more effective procedure by alleviating stress reactions arising from urethral trauma,pain,nervousness and fear in senile patients with prostatic hyperplasia who need urethral catheterization.
Key words:hyperplasia of prostate;urethral catheterization;blood pressure;heart rate;the elderly
1 对象及方法
1.1 对象 本组30例,均为1999年3月~1999年6月经超声波检查诊断为前列腺增生的、神志清楚、有回答问题能力的老年男性患者。年龄60~87岁,平均(67.77±5.83)岁。
1.2 方法
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