关键词:高等护理教育; 自学考试; 实习学员; 临床带教
中图分类号:R47 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-9993(2000)04-0021-02
Clinical Teaching of Student Interns Preparing for Higher Nursing Self-study Examination
ZHANG Ding-zi
(Shanghai Changning District Central Hospital,Shanghai 200336,China)
Abstract:This article summarizes our experience in clinical teaching of student trainees preparing for the self-study examination of higher nursing,where we used appropriate teaching methods to cope with the specific requirements of the teaching-self students.The article points out that competent teachers are the prerequisite of assuring the quality of internship training,strict examination rules are the basic condition for evaluating the actual outcome of the internship training,and that appropriate teaching methods play a key role in mobilizing the students to act as the main body of teaching.Based on these characteristics,the article proposes some teaching methods of internship training of such students.
Key words:higher nursing education; self-study examination; clinical teaching
1 资料及分析
1.1 年龄分布 自学考试实习学员的年龄在30岁以上者占93.3%,见表1。大多数具有多年的临床工作经历,专业思想稳定,服务态度好,学习刻苦。
表1 高等护理自学考试实习学员的年龄分布情况
年 龄 人 数 百分比(%)
≤30岁 2
31~40岁 21 70.0
≥41岁 7 23.3
合 计 30 100.0
1.2 职务分布 自学考试实习学员中,护士骨干占56.7%,见表2。她们自身素质较好,责任心较强,工作认真负责。5批30名学员未发生1起严重的差错事故。
表2 高等护理自学考试实习学员的职务分布情况
职 务 人 数 百分比(%)
行政管理人员 3
护理部主任 3 10.0
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