朱虹 高柏青 李艳梅 霍红
摘要:目的 探讨加量生理盐水冲洗法对化疗患者的静脉保护作用。方法 采用自身对照方法,将每例患者的两臂随机分成对照组和观察组,各48例次。观察组先以生理盐水引路穿刺,待确保针头在血管内再推入或输入化疗药物,输毕用生理盐水20 ml静推冲洗血管,然后以40~60滴/min的速度滴入余量生理盐水。对照组按常规方法静滴。观察疗程中静脉炎发展程度及血管疼痛,并进行对比分析。结果 生理盐水加量冲洗法较常规滴注法预防静脉炎效果显著,观察组静脉炎发生率为29.1%,对照组则为83.3%,局部血管疼痛观察组低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 加量生理盐水冲洗法对化疗患者的静脉有明显的保护作用,特别对长期需要静脉化疗给药的患者可有效降低静脉炎发生率。
关键词:化疗; 静脉保护; 生理盐水
中图分类号:R453 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-9993(2000)05-0007-02
Clinical Effect of Increasing Swashing with Normal Saline on Venous Protection in Chemotherapy Patients
ZHU Hong GAO Bai-qing LI Yian-mei HUO Hong
(Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Shenyang General Hospital of PLA,Shenyang 110015,China)
Abstract:A clinical effect of increasing swashing with normal saline on venous protection were observed in 60 chemotherapy patients by using self-comparison method.Four hundred and fighty ml normal saline was injected at a rate of 40~60 drops per minute in the observation group after chemotherapy.The result showed that the rate of inflammation was reduced(29.1%) compared with the routine group(83.3%)(P<0.05).The rate of pain at the local site(14.6) was lower than that of the control group(52.1%)(P<0.05).It is suggested that increasing swashing with normal saline has protection effect on the vein in chemotherapy patients and reduces the rate of venous inflammation.
Key words:chemotherapy; venous protection; nomal saline
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 通过手臂静脉穿刺接受化疗的肿瘤患者共60例,96人次,其中男性48人,女性12人,年龄33~70岁。无心肾功能障碍及高血压病。本组化疗药物为:有强烈血管刺激作用的丝裂霉素、长春新碱;一般刺激性作用的环磷酰胺、5-氟脲嘧啶。化疗方案相同。
1.2 方法 采用自身对照方法。将每例患者的两臂随机分成对照组和观察组,各48例次。血管条件、化疗药物、两侧血管穿刺次数基本一致。选用5(1)/(2)号穿刺针。观察组:以500 ml生理盐水引路穿刺,待确保针头在血管内再推入或输入化疗药物,输毕用生理盐水20 ml静推冲洗血管,然后以40~60滴/min的速度滴入余量480 ml生理盐水。对照组:下一次化疗时以同患者的另一手臂静脉穿刺,化疗方法同观察组一致,常规操作。血管观察有五项指标
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