张优琴 章亚娟 张骞倩 杨玉华
摘要:目的 观察黄连素加盐酸环丙沙星对褥疮的临床疗效。方法 创面周围皮肤常规消毒,无菌生理盐水冲洗创面后拭干。将非糖衣黄连素研成粉末,加盐酸环丙沙星溶液调成软膏状,覆盖于创面,每日2次,7 d为一个疗程。结果 通过二个疗程的观察,总有效率100%,治愈率90.91%。结论 黄连素加盐酸环丙沙星配方治疗褥疮有较好效果,而且其取材方便,易于推广,不失为褥疮治疗的一种有效方法。
关键词:黄连素; 盐酸环丙沙星;褥疮; 治疗效果
中图分类号:R473.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-9993(2000)05-0012-02
Clinical Observation on the Therapeutic Effect of Berberine plus Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride on Bedsore
ZHANG You-qin ZHANG Ya-juan ZHANG Qian-qian YANG Yu-hua
(Nursing Department of Navy 411 Hospital,Shanghai 200081,China)
Abstract:Objective To explore a new method of using berberine plus Ciprofloxacin hydrochloride in the treatment of bedsore.Methods The skin around the wound surface was disinfected routinely,washed with sterile normal saline and dried.Uncoated berberine was ground into powder,prepared with ciprofloxacin hydrochloride into ointment and applied to the wound surface twice daily for 7d as a course of treatment.Results Observation of two courses showed an overall effective rate of 100% and a curative rate of 90.91%.Conclusion Berberine plus ciprofloxacin hydrochloride proves to be a new and effective method in the treatment of bedsore with reference to availability of the materials and likelihood of spreading.
Key words:berberine; ciprofloxacin hydrochloride;bedsore;therapeutic effect
1 临床资料
本组30例,年龄65~93岁;均为1997年8月至2000年2月的褥疮住院患者,其中院外带入28例,院内发生2例;创面三处以上者4例,两处以上者6例,余20例均为一处,共44处褥疮;Ⅰ期24处,Ⅱ期12处,Ⅲ期8处;发生部位在尾骶部25处,股骨大转子部9处,足跟部8处,肩胛部2处;最小面积2 cm×3 cm,最大面积6 cm×7 cm。基础疾病多为合并症,以脑血管意外后遗症、糖尿病低蛋白血症、慢性心衰、肺部感染为多见。
2 配方及方法
2.1 配方 非糖衣黄连片研成细末,与盐酸环丙沙星溶液调成糊状,现配现用,用量每平方厘米创面黄连素0.1 g+盐水环丙沙星液0.5 ml。
2.2 方法 常规消毒创面周围皮肤,生理盐水清洗创面,水疱未破者用注射器抽液,水疱破者除去疱皮;去除创面坏死组织,拭干,然后外敷配方药物于创面。每日2次;渗出物多时,夜间加1次。暴露创面可用无菌纱布覆盖创面。保持创面干燥,避免大小便污染。7 d为一疗程。
2.3 疗效判断标准 治愈:溃疡创面愈合,结痂并脱落。显效:无分泌物,溃疡面缩小,肉芽组织正在生长。好转:渗
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