徐善芬 崔智娟 吴远美
关键词:脑血管意外; 监护; 护理
中图分类号:R473.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-9993(2000)05-0022-02
Intensive Care of Acute Severe Stroke Patients and Its Significance
XU San-feng CHUI Zhi-juan WU Yuan-mei
(No.2 Department of Medicine,No.422 Hospital of PLA,Zhanjian 524005,China)
Abstract:Thirty-six patients with severe stroke were randomly divided into two groups.There was no significant difference in the general status of patients between the two groups(P>0.05).One group(n=14) was put on intensive care(IC),while the other group(n=22) receiving routine nursing(RN) was used as control.The death rate of patients on IC was 7.14%,which was significantly lower than that of control(P<0.01).In addition,patients under IC needed shorter periods of hospital stay than did the control(P<0.05).Although the NIHSS scores of patients on IC and those receiving RN were not significantly different at 2 weeks of hospital stay(P>0.05),patients on IC began to get significantly lower NIHSS scores than control at 4 weeks (P<0.01),indicating that patients on IC rehabilitated faster and better.These results demonstrated that it is necessary to put patients with severe stroke on IC.
Key words:stroke; intensive care; nursing
1 对象和方法
1.1 对象 1997年1月至1999年12月间,我院收治的急性脑卒中患者共76例,经NIHSS评分,其中重症脑卒中36例,男25例,女11例,年龄在51~58岁之间,平均(65.12±8.23)岁。其中,脑出血12例,脑梗死24例,所有病例都经头颅CT检查证实。具体发病部位如下:丘脑出血2例,基底节区出血6例,外囊出血2例,小脑出血2例,大面积大脑中动脉区梗死2
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