内眼术后冷敷的实验和临床应用研究 |
贾俊卿 梁静 齐月梅 姜玲 汤合珍 高建鲁
摘 要:为探讨内眼术后冷敷方法并观察其临床效果,采用自制的95%乙醇冰袋和70%甘油冰袋(-20 ℃),在动物实验的基础上,于1996年1月至1997年12月对30例白内障、青光眼手术后病人行冷敷30眼(各120 min),并与未冷敷的30眼对照。结果,冷敷组病人的舒适程度、眼部刺激征和房水混浊程度均较未冷敷组明显减轻。乙醇、甘油冰袋价廉易取,内眼术后冷敷可明显减轻术眼的炎性反应。 关键词:内眼手术 乙醇 甘油 冷敷
The Experimental and Clinical Study on the Cold Compress after Endophthalmic Surgery
Jia Junqing Liang Jing Qi Yuemei Jiang Ling Tang Hezhen Gao Jianlu (Liaocheng Peoples Hospital, Shandong Province, Liaocheng 252000)
Abstract:To investigate the appropriate cold compress method after endophthalmic surgery and observe its clinical effect, the cold compress of 6 rabbit eyes was experimentally performed with ice-cold-mask (-20 ℃) made by ourselves. On the basis of the experiment, 30 eyes of 30 cases of cataract or glaucoma after operation underwent the cold compress for 120 min and other 30 eyes as control group did not. The result showed that the symptoms, stimulus signs and aqueous humor turbidity of the eyes in the cold compress group were markedly improved as compared with those in the control group (P<0.01). It was concluded that cold compress with alcohol or glycerin which is cheap and easily used could markedly decrease the inflammation of the operated eye. Key words:endophthalmic surgery alcohol glycerin cold compress▲
1 动物实验
1.1 材料与方法 取聚乙烯薄膜制成10 cm×8 cm的袋,分别装入95%乙醇或70%甘油,密封后置-20 ℃冰箱内60 min备用。选择健康家兔6只。 对6只家兔静脉麻醉后,任选1眼共6眼切除第3眼睑,将酒精温度计固定于距角膜缘5 mm的上穹隆部,测量结膜囊温度;另6眼于睑裂部角膜缘内1 mm处作1.5 mm切口,置温度计于前房内固定,测量前房内温度。家兔侧卧位,乙醇冰袋、甘油冰袋分别隔8层纱布冷敷双眼1 h,分别记录冷敷前及冷敷后1、3、5、7、10、15、20、25、30、40、50、60 min的温度(不更换冰袋);同时测量兔肛温。室温保持19~20 ℃。 1.2 结果 1.2.1 兔眼结膜囊温度变化情况:见图1。
图1 兔眼结膜囊温度变化曲线
图1示,冷敷前为33~34 ℃,平均33.5 ℃。乙醇冰袋(图中为实线)冷敷后1 min下降2 ℃[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 系统化护理对降低会阴切口感染率的作用 下一个医学论文: 正常分娩后并发急性胰腺炎1例