系统化护理对降低会阴切口感染率的作用 |
叶志杰 孙玉霞 李楷彬 张桂兰
摘 要:为降低产妇会阴切口感染率,于1997年3月至1998年2月对98例入院产妇(观察组)实施健康指导,根据会阴护理工作准则落实每项护理工作,采用无抗原性快薇荞缝线(无须拆线)缝合会阴切口,与采用常规护理和应用一般缝线缝合会阴切口(须拆线)的84例产妇作比较。结果,感染率前者为1.02%,后者为9.52%,两组比较,有极显著性差异(P<0.01);术后产妇平均住院日前者较后者缩短了2.1 d;观察组健康知识显著提高(P<0.01);观察组产妇对护理工作满意度明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。提示,实施系统化护理可提高产妇健康知识和自护能力,降低会阴切口感染率,缩短术后平均住院日。 关键词:产妇 会阴切口 快薇荞缝线 系统化护理
The Role of Systematic Nursing in Reducing Infectious Rate of Perineal Incision
Ye Zhijie Sun Yuxia Li Kaibin Zhang Guilan (The Third Teaching Hospital, Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Changchun 130031)
Abstract:To reduce the infectious rate of perineal incision, 98 lying-in women (observation group) with perineal incision underwent systematic healthy nursing and the incision was sutured with polyglaction. 84 lying-in women (control group) were subjected to the routine nursing and the incision was sutured with silk yarn. The results showed that the infectious rate was found to be significantly lower in the observation group than in the control group (P<0.01). The average hospitalized day in observation group was shortened 2.1 days as comapred with the control group. In observation group, the lying-in women knew more healthy knowledge and satisfied with nursing as compared with control group (P<0.01). It was concluded that systematic nursing for lying-in women would increase their healthy knowledge and self-nursing ability, reduce the infectious rate of perineal incison and shorten the average hospitalized day. Key words:lying-in women perineal incision polyglaction suture systematic nursing▲
1 临床资料
1997年3月至1998年2月,在我院分娩中行EP的产妇98例为观察组,年龄(26.41±2.96)岁;孕(39.4±2.8)周。实施系统化护理,采用无抗原性快薇荞缝线缝合会阴切口。1996年3月至1997年2月在我院分娩中行EP的84例为对照组,产[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 84消毒液浓度及作用时间对其灭菌效果的影响 下一个医学论文: 内眼术后冷敷的实验和临床应用研究