84消毒液浓度及作用时间对其灭菌效果的影响 |
许莲华 李秀珍 张镇静
摘 要:为探讨84消毒液对日常医疗器械消毒的最佳浓度及放置时间,以确保其消毒效果,将84消毒液配制成0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0% 4种浓度,检测不同时间消毒液中的氯含量及细菌培养阳性数,同时采用酶联免疫吸附法检测4种浓度对HBsAg的杀灭力。结果,4种浓度的84消毒液随时间延长有效氯含量下降;24 h后,0.5%、1.0%组检测细菌阳性数逐渐增多;2.0%对HBsAg杀灭力最强。提示2.0% 84消毒液浸泡消毒体温计,72 h更换1次,可达到灭菌效果。 关键词:84消毒液 体温计 灭菌
Effect of the Concentration and Action Time of 84 Disinfectant on Sterilization
Xu Lianhua Li Xiuzhen Zhang Zhenjing (The First Affiliated Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029)
Abstract:To investigate the appropriate concentration and storage duration of 84 disinfectant for routine medical equipment, 84 disinfectant was made four concentrations of 0.5 %, 1.0 %, 1.5 % and 2.0 %. The chloride content and amount of bacterial culture in the disinfectant were measured during different action time points. At the same time, the killing activity of the disinfectant to HBsAg was detected by using ELISA. The results showed that the chloride content in 84 disinfectant was decreased with the prolongation of action time for 4 concentrations of 84 disinfectant. 24 h later, the amount of bacteria in 0.5 % or 1.0 % 84 disinfectant was increased. The killing activity of 84 disinfectant to HBsAg was strongest in the concentration of 2.0 %. It was suggested that 84 disinfectant of 2.0 % could effectively kill the bacteria and HBsAg on the thermometer under the disinfectant changed every 72 h. Key words:84 disinfectant thermometer sterilization▲
1 材料
2 方法
2.1 消毒体温计的浸泡液阳性率检测 沸水冷却后,由笔者将84消毒液配制成浓度为0.5%、1.0%、1.5%、2.0%的消毒液,立即进行检测,时间为0 h。按我院临床使用常规,将每种浓度的消毒液各盛于2个无菌有盖方盘中,方盘1盛200 ml,方盘2盛500 ml,置阴凉避光处。体温计使用频数按常规4 h 1次、24 h 6次、48 h 12次、72 h 18次。每次每个方盘中消毒体温计35~40支(为病区单位每次使用的数量)。体温[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 领导生命周期理论在护士长管理中的应用 下一个医学论文: 系统化护理对降低会阴切口感染率的作用