整体护理对外科护患关系信任度的影响 |
李 漓1 何 仲2 1 第一军医大学附属珠江医院,广州 510282 2 中国协和医科大学护理学院,北京 100041
摘要 通过调查术后患者对护士的信任程度,进行模式病房与普通病房护患信任度的对比分析,探讨整体护理实践对护患间信任度的影响。结果提示建立护患信任的根本在于实施“以病人为中心”的整体护理,护士要充分发挥主观能动性,在构成护患信任的五要素上努力。作者认为模式病房的实践,对护患间信任度有促进作用,并提出全面开展整体护理的必要性。 关键词 整体护理; 护患关系; 信任度
Influence of Holistic Nursing Care on Confident Degree in Surgical Nurse-Patient Relationship
Li Li1 He Zhong2 1Zhujiang Hospital, The First Military Medical University, Guangzhou 510282 2School of Nursing, Peking Union Medical College, Beijing 100041
Abstract In order to investigate the influence of holistic nursing care on the confident degree in nurse-patient relationship, the confident degree of the postoperative patients in nurse was studied and the comparison of the nurse-patient relationship trust between the model wards and the ordinary wards was conducted. The results indicated that the fundamental of nurse-patient trust lay on that the holistic nursing care of “patient-centred" was performed, the nurses subjective initiative brought into full play and the five elements for the nurse-patient trust hard implemented. It was considered that the practice of model wards could improve the confident degree in the nurse-patient relationship. The necessity of wholely performing the holistic nursing care was also discussed. Key words holistic nursing care; nurse-patient relationship; confident degree
手术是外科治疗的主要手段,但对患者也是一种不同程度的心理刺激,可影响患者的心理活动,继而影响手术后的康复。与患者建立良好的关系在防止术前、术后心理障碍方面起重要作用[1]。笔者通过调查手术后患者对护士的信任程度,进行模式病房与普通病房护患信任度的对比分析,探讨整体护理实践对护患间信任度的影响,为促进良好护患关系的建立与维持提供依据。 1 对象与方法 1.1 对象:1997年5月20日至6月5日,北京协和医院的5个外科病房(基本外科一、二、三病房,泌尿外科,骨科)手术后痊愈步行出院的患者97例,其中男52例,女45例,年龄18~70岁,平均47.73岁,住院时间≥7 d。 1.2 方法:采用冈谷惠子[2]的“护患关系信任度量表”(以下简称量表),量表译成中文后由中国协和医科大学护理学院的5名护理专家评定,经预调查10例患者修改后进行正式调查。量表共41项,内容包含护患间信任概念的5个方面:对知识和技术的确信(7项)、一贯性(11项)、尊重(11项)、安心感(7项)、对未来的信心(5项)。其中正性项[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 实施整体护理后病人满意度调查 下一个医学论文: 整体护理到位管理