重症脑出血病人首次翻身时间的研讨 |
徐国英 郭新节
摘要 为了寻求重症脑出血病人的最佳翻身时间,对59例病人随机分为3组,分别以12 h(1组)、16 h(2组)、20 h(3组)进行首次翻身。并于翻身前,翻身后1、10、30 min各观察生命体征1次及褥疮好发部位皮肤的变化。3组时间翻身对生命体征影响,经统计学处理差异无显著性,P>0.05;褥疮发生数比较,差异有非常显著性,P<0.001。研究结果:起病12 h是病人最为理想的翻身时间。 关键词 重症脑出血;褥疮;翻身时间
Study on the First Time of Position Change for Serious Cerebral Hemorrhage Patients
Xu Guoying, Guo Xinjie The Peoples Hospital, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100044
Abstract In order to decide the optimal time of position change for a cerebral hemorrhage patient, 59 patients with serious cerebral hemorrhage were randomly divided into three groups. The first time of position change in each group was 12 h, 16 h or 20 h after the attack respectively. The skin where the pressure ulcer was easy to occur was observed when the position changed, and vital signs were taken before position change, 1 min, 10 min and 30 min after position change. The time of position change in the three groups had no influence on the vital signs (P>0.05),but the cases of pressure ulcer among the three groups were significantly different (P<0.001). The optimal time of the position change for cerebral hemorrhage patients was 12 h after the attack. Key words serious cerebral hemorrhage; pressure ulcer; the time of position change
1 对象与方法
1.1 研究对象 1995年3月至1998年2月,收住我院急诊科抢救室的脑出血病人。入选标准:经CT检查证实的首次脑出血伴Ⅱ级昏迷非手术治疗病人[1] 59例,男31例,女28例,年龄42~89岁,平均67.8岁。标准体重18例,超体重35例,低体重6例。出血破入脑室37例。 1.2 方法 1.2.1 一般处理 病人做CT后入抢救室,脱去衣服,留置尿管,头高30°仰卧于干燥、平整的床上。以先后顺序随机将病人按首次翻身时间分成12 h(1组)20例,16 h(2组)20例,20 h(3组)19例共3组。 1.2.2 翻身法 护士两人站在同一侧,一人一只手插入颈部,手掌托住头,另一只手托住腰背部;另一人一只手托腰部,另一只手托大腿,两者同时用力抬起病人靠近自己,然后向对侧翻身。在翻身过程中病人头保持在中线位,使头和颈呈一直线作缓慢的翻转[2]。 1.2.3 测量法 3组分别于翻身前,翻身后1、10、30 min各观察并记录病人的意识、瞳孔、呼吸、脉搏、血压1次,共4次。测量血压4次均在健侧上臂,做到血压计固定并与心脏平行。翻身后观察全身皮肤,特别注意骶尾部、肩胛部、足跟部的[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 慢性肾功能衰竭病人实施心理干预的研讨 下一个医学论文: 导尿时机选择对全麻病人心率血压的影响