剖宫产术后提前拔尿管加开塞露灌肠对母婴健康的影响 |
胡永群 郑曼珍 李先玲 谭志华
摘要 观察剖宫产术后留置尿管24 h的95例产妇(对照组)与术后留置尿管8~10 h加开塞露灌肠的51例产妇(观察组),结果显示,两组产妇平均肛门排气时间、乳量充足时间均有极显著性差异(P<0.001);产妇排尿困难、尿道刺激征的发生及婴儿生理性体重下降>10%的发生率有显著性差异(P<0.05)。研究结果表明剖宫产术后8~10 h拔除导尿管并用开塞露灌肠可减少产妇排尿困难及尿道刺激征的发生,有利于肠功能恢复及产妇早进食,乳量充足时间提前,促进母乳喂养及母婴健康。
关键词 剖宫产术;留置尿管;开塞露灌肠
Effects of Extracting Urethral Catheter early plus Glycerin Enema on the Health of Mother and Infant after Cesarear Section
Hu Yongqun, Zheng Manzhen, Li Xianling, Tan Zhihua Department of Obstetrics, Hubei Maternal and Childrens Hospital, Wuhan 430070
Abstract 95 parturients with the urethral catheter being indwelled for 24 h (control group) and 51 with the urethral catheter being indwelled for 8 to 10 h plus glycerin enema (observed group) after cesarear section were studied. The results showed that between the two groups, there was significant difference in average time of blind enema, the time of full milk secretion, and the incidence of dysuria and urethral irritating symptom and the physiological decrease of infant weight (>10 %) (P<0.001 or P<0.05). It was suggested that the extracting of urethral catheter 8 to 10 h after cesarear section combined with glycerin enema could reduce the occurrence of parturients dysuria or urethral irritating symptom and was benefit for parturients to restore their intestinal function, eat early, facilitate breast feeding and mother-infant health.
Key words cesarear section; indwelling catheter; glycerin enema
我院剖宫产术采用连续硬膜外麻醉子宫下段剖宫术,术后给予硬膜外腔吗啡镇痛,常规留置尿管24 h。1998年7~11月,对146例剖宫产产妇中51例留置尿管8~10 h后拔管并用开塞露灌肠,95例常规留置尿管24 h,观察排便、排气、进食、泌乳、哺乳情况及母婴并发症,现报告如下。
1 对象和方法
1.1 对象 146例行剖宫产术的产妇,年龄21~40岁。健康状况良好,无消化道疾病,无引起肠胀气的滞产,无妊高症、心脏病及产后出血等。随机分为两组,观察组51例,对照组95例。 1.2 方法 两组剖宫产产妇术后6 h进流质饮食,在肛门未排气前,勿进糖及奶类等易产气食物。观察组产妇手术后8~10 h(即常规补液2 500 ml还余500 ml时)拔尿管,当输液完毕后,产妇正好有尿意,此时肛门塞入2支开塞露,约5 min,协助产妇下床排便或排气后,恢复正常饮食。对照组术后24 h[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 40例女性精神病人辅助行为治疗的疗效观察 下一个医学论文: 160例精神药物中毒病人分析与对策