咪唑安定及芬太尼超声雾化吸入用于术后镇痛的临床研究 |
杨文英 费建国
摘要 为了观察咪唑安定及芬太尼超声 雾化吸入用于术后镇痛的效果,随机选择60例择期行胆囊、胃和食管手术的病人,随机分为 A、B、 C、D 4组。A组为对照组,B、C、D组为治疗组。治疗组雾化液咪唑安定含量均为2 mg,芬太 尼含量分别为0 .05 mg、0.1 mg和0.2 mg。采用视觉模拟疼痛评分法(VAS)评估吸入前后的疼痛程度,同 时监测 心率(HR)、平均动脉压(MAP)和血氧饱和度(SPO2),所得参数行方差分析。结果:治疗组 均能达到不同程度的镇 痛效果,尤以芬太尼含量为0.2 mg组效果最佳,镇痛期生命体征平稳。提示咪唑安定及芬 太尼雾化吸入是一种安全、有效、无创和简便的新型镇痛方法。 关键词 咪唑安定 芬太尼 超声雾化 术后镇痛
Clinical Study on the Postoperative Analgesia of Dormicum and Su blimaze Administered by Ultrasonic Spray Inhalation
Yang Wenying Fei Jianguo Department of Surgery, The Second Hospital of Jiaxing City, Jiaxing 314000
Abstract In order to observe the postoperative analges ic effects of dormicum and sublimaze administered by ultrasonic spray inhalation, 60 cases undergoing gallbladder, stomach or esop hageal operation were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A, control group; groups B, C and D, given dormicum 2 mg for all and sublimaze 0.05 mg, 0.1 mg, 0.2 mg respectively. By using visual al getic mimic scale (VAS), the pain before and after inhalation of dormicum and sublimaze was evaluated and the hear t rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP) and blood oxygen saturation (SPO2) were monitored at the same t ime. The results showed that in the treated groups, analgesic effects were obtained to some exten t, the 0.2 mg sublimaze group the best. During the analgesia, the life signs were stable. It was suggest ed that the ultrasonic spray inhalation of dormicum and sublimaze was a safe, effective, noninvasive an d simple analgesia. Key words dormicum sublimaze ultrasonic spray postop erative analgesia
1 临床资料与方法
1.1 临床资料 60例中男38例,女22例,年龄18~62岁。均在全麻下行上腹部和食管择期手术,其中胆囊 切除术32例,胃大部分切除术16例,食管癌根治术12例,无心肺功能疾患。 1.2 分组与方法 术毕回病房后 随机分为4组,即对照组(A组)和3个治疗组(B、C、D组)。均于术后首次诉伤口疼痛时吸入超 声雾化气体10 min。对照组仅用生理盐水20 ml;治疗组雾化[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 上下肢静脉给药显效时间的研究 下一个医学论文: 德国医院临终关怀护理特点