围手术期短程用抗生素的效果及对护理工作的影响 |
钱火红 邱群 徐琴 滕月芳 葛小莉
摘要:目的:探讨缩短围手术期抗生素应用时间的效果及对护理工作的影响。方法:贲门癌行近端 胃次全切除术34例,胃窦癌行远端胃次全切除术38例,一侧甲状腺叶次全切除术44例,3种 病人各随机分为2组,围手术期分别用传统方法或短程方法给抗生素预防感染。结果:与传 统用药组相比,短程抗生素组病人的切口愈合率、切口感染及腹腔感染无显著差异;抗生素 用量、护理工作量、护理工作强度均明显下降;病人卧床时间缩短,抗生素费用明显降低。 结论:围手术期短程用抗生素的预防效果好,可明显降低抗生素用量、护理工作量和护理工 作强度以及病人的经济负担,有利于病人康复。 关键词:围手术期;抗生素;护理 中图分类号:R619;R978.1 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-0780(2000 )12-0001-02
The Effect of Antibiotics Used in Short Time on Infection and Nursing Work During Perioperation
QIAN Huo-hong,QIU Qun,XU Qin,TENG Yue-fang,GE Xiao-li (General Surgical Department,Changhai Hospital,Second Military Medical Uni versity,Shanghai 200433,China)
Abstract:Objective:To investigate the effect of antibiotics used in short time on infecti on and nursing work during perioperation.Methods:34 cases of cardiac,38 cases of gastric antrum carcinoma,and 44 cases of subthyroidectomy of one lobe were rand omly divided into two groups.Group A received antibiotics in traditional method, and group B in short time.Results:There were no difference in incision healing a nd infection between the two groups.In the short time group,the amount of antibi otics,nursing work and nursing intensity were obviously reduced,and the patients stayed in bed shorter and bore less expenses of the antibiotics.Conclusion:Prev entive antibiotics used in short time are sufficiently effective during the peri operation.The amount of antibiotics,nursing work,nursing intensity,and the econo mic charge of the patients could be reduced,and it is helpful to the patients r ecovery. Key Words:perioperation;antibiotic;nursing
我们从1997年开始,通过严密设计,详细观察了缩短抗生素用药时间对于感染的预防效果以 及对外科护理工作的影响,现将研究结果报告如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1 病例及分组:共116例病人。贲门癌行近端胃次全切除术者34例, 其中男24例,女10例;年龄48~72岁,平均61.8岁。胃窦癌行远侧端胃次全切除术者38例 ,其中男26例,女12例;年龄38~76岁,平均58.2岁。甲状腺腺瘤或结节性甲状腺肿行一 侧甲状腺叶次全切除术者44例,男14例,女30例;年龄20~58岁,平均40.6岁。将以上每 种病人随机分为2组,A组用传统方法给药,B组用短程方法给药。 1.2 用药方法:A组为传统给药组,共58例[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 血粘度对静脉套管针留置时间的影响 下一个医学论文: 也谈计算机在护理资料管理中的应用