纤维结肠镜检查指导先天性巨结肠结肠灌洗的研究 |
刘晓文 陈丽萍 韩秋梅 张丽君 丁凤鸣 齐超
摘要 为研究应用纤维结肠镜检查指导先天性巨结肠结肠灌洗的临床价值,将70例先天性巨结肠手术病例分为对照组35例,按常规灌洗;观察组35例,应用纤维结肠镜检指导灌洗。两组病例手术方式均为Swenson手术。结果:常规灌洗和纤维结肠镜指导下的灌洗效果、两组术后并发症发生率比较,经统计学处理,均有非常显著性差异(P<0.01);两组术后住院天数比较,观察组比对照组平均缩短2.1 d。提示:纤维结肠镜检查指导结肠灌洗可减少肛管插入长度的随机性及清洁肠腔与炎症治疗的盲目性,提高灌洗质量;利于确定最佳手术时机,从而减少术后并发症,缩短住院天数。 关键词 结肠灌洗;纤维结肠镜;并发症;护理
Study of Coloclyster for Congenital Megacolon under the Guidance of Fibro-colonoscope
Liu Xiaowen,Chen Liping,Han Qiumei,Zhang Lijun,Ding Fangming,Qi Chao Wuhan Children Hospital,Wuhan 430016
Abstract In order to study the clinical value of fibro-colonoscopic examination for guiding coloclyster of congenital megacolon (CM),70 cases of CM were divided randomly into control group (n=35,without receiving the examination of fibro-colonoscope) and observed group (n=35,undergoing the examination of fibro-colonoscope). The procedure for the two groups was Swenson operation. The results showed that there was an apparently difference in coloclyster effects between routine coloclyster and coloclyster under the guidance of fibro-colonoscope and the postoperative complication occurrence between the two groups (P<0.01). The hospitalized days after operation were shortened by 2.1 days in the observed group as compared with control group. It was suggested that coloclyster under the guidance of fibro-colonoscope could reduce the randomness of the length of the canal into the nanus and the purposelessness of the clean intestine cavity and inflammation therapy,so as to increase the postoperative indications and shorten the hospitalized days. Key words coloclyster; fibro-colonoscope; complications; nursing care
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