【关键词】 老年病房;护理风险;管理
老年病房常见护理操作风险的因素与控制 (pdf)
Management of common nursing risks in geriatric ward
Cai Yang,Bing Wu,Yanfei Yang
Abstract OBJECTIVE To explore the prevention and management of common nursing risks in geriatric ward and to construct a reliable safeguard system.METHODS The factors which caused the nursing risks in geriatric ward in last 3 years were analysed and the key points for safe nursing were summarized.RESULTS The age of the patients and the qualification of nursing are the main reason which caused the nursing risks in geriatric ward.CONCLUSION The key point to avoid the nursing risks in geriatric ward is to heighten the duty consciousness and to improve the qualification of nurse.
Key words geriatric ward;nursing care risk;management
First Department of Carders’ Health Care,General Hospital of Lanzhou Command,Lanzhou 730050,China
Correspondence to:Cai Yang,[email protected]
摘要: 目的 探讨老年病房护理操作风险因素的防范,营造可靠的安全保障体系。方法 分析近3年来引发老年病房护理风险的因素和特点,确定安全护理重点。结果 造成风险的原因是患者年龄及护士素质等诸多因素。结论 避免风险因素的关键是增强和提高护士的责任意识和专业素质,从而降低护理差错,提高护理质量。
关键词: 老年病房;护理风险;管理
1 临床资料
2 分析原因
2.1 患者的年龄因素 15起护理操作风险中,男13例,女2例。70~75岁4例,75~80岁8例,85岁以上3例。因年龄阶段不同发生意外的比例和类型也不同。尤其是75~80岁年龄段的老年患者因身体状况和意识反应差,易给护士造成错觉,所以发生意外的机会更多,危险性也较大。
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