【摘要】 目的 评价全方位整体护理干预对预防产后抑郁症的临床效果。 方法 将150例产前检查者随机分为两组,研究组86例,以全方位整体护理为主,辅以孕妇学校、健康教育、导乐陪伴分娩等孕期全程护理干预;对照组予以常规护理。于产妇产后6 w末,采用产后抑郁量表评定两组的抑郁状况。 结果 产妇产后6 w末,研究组产后抑郁症发生率为3.49%,对照组为18.75%,研究组产后抑郁症发生率显著低于对照组(χ2=9.496,P<0.01)。 结论 实施全方位的整体护理干预能显著降低产后抑郁症的发生。
【关键词】 产后抑郁症;产后抑郁量表;全程护理干预
Prevention of nursing intervention on postpartum psychosis
Luo Liping, Guo Guoyi, Wen Yichun
(The Medical College of Xiangtan Vocational and Technical College,Xiangtan, 411100, Hunan, China)
【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the clinical effects of general nursing intervention on patients with postpartum psychosis. Methods 150 pregnant women received prenatal examination were divided into stud group(86 cases) and control group(64 cases) randomly. The study group were provided with general nursing care and omnidistance nursing intervention including health education, school for pregnant women and so on, while the controls were only given routine nursing. Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS)was used to assess the depressive status at the end of 6 weeks after delivery. Results The incidence rate of postpartum psychosis was 3.49% and 18.75% in study group and control group respectively, which was significantly lower in stuy group than in the control group (P﹤0.01). Conclusion General nursing intervention can effectively reduce the incidence rate of postpartum psychosis.
【Keywords】 Postpartum depression; EPDS ;wholecourse nursing intervention
1 资料与方法
1.1 对象 选取2006年1月~2006年12月在我院行产前检查、阴道分娩的孕妇为研究对象。入组标准:(1)均为初产妇。(2)在我院行产前检查、阴道分娩者。(3)初中以上文化。(4)排除有精神病史、严重妊娠合并症者。共入组150例,随机分为两组。研究组86例,平均年龄24.3 a;分娩男婴41例,女婴45例。对照组64例,平均年龄23.5 a;分娩男婴34例,女婴30例。两组
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