berculosis infection and 3 as M.bovis with L-J method,11 showed cultured positive.The positive rate of the two culture methods was 44%,25%℅respectively,two culture methods showed significant difference.The average days of report was 16 days and 30 days respectively.10 patients be hospitaltailed instantly CT lead pus,or the bad major part of a vertebra centesis processed BacT/ALERT 3D liquid,positive rate was 90%,and chemotherapy two week obtain alike examples processed BacT/ALERT 3D liquid,positive rate was 20%.The differences of positive rate before and after chemotherapy showed statistical significance.The positive rate of the BacT/ALERT 3D method in the culture of spinal tuberculosis granuloma,pus or caseous tissue,and sclerosis bones was 44%,23%,9% respectively and showed statistical significance Among them.Conclusion BacT/ALERT 3D method is a good means for the clinic separation and culture of the spinal tuberculosis pathogeny bacteria.
Key words:BacT/ALERT 3D method; spinal tuberculosis; mycobacterium tuberculosis
结核分支杆菌的细菌学检查是结核病明确诊断和提供有效化疗方案的重要依据,是考核和评价临床疗效的可靠标准。但在脊柱结核的诊治中由于常规检查方法检出率低,使得脊柱结核细菌学检查受到忽视,其病原学及其耐药性的研究报道不多,随着AIDS的流行,非结核分枝杆菌所致结核病发病率增高[1-2],脊柱结核病的细菌学检查显得尤为必要。本研究用BacT/ ALERT 3D法培养同一脊柱结核患者不同病灶的标本,观察不同标本的阳性检出率有无差异,并与传统的罗氏培养法进行比较,以分析BacT/ ALERT 3D结核分支杆菌快速培养系统在脊柱结核诊断中的临床应用价值,更好的指导临床工作。
1 资料与方法
1.1 临床资料
2009年1月—10月在我科住院并接受手术治疗的脊柱结核患者53例,其中男25例,女28例,年龄18~62岁,平均37岁。43例患者影像学检查有脓肿、空洞型硬化骨形成,术中可见结核肉芽肿,并且术前临床表现、实验室检查、术后病理学报告均符合脊柱结核特点;术前四联抗痨2~6周,待血沉和C反应蛋白分别降至40mm•h-1和8.6μg后手术;术中每例患者分别取结核肉芽肿、脓液15~20mL、病椎中心的死骨(硬化骨)用咬骨钳咬成最少1cm×1cm×1cm大小,无菌操作下用标本带密封。8h内将标本前处理后分别接种于3个BacT/ ALERT 3D液体培养基和3个罗氏培养基。另10例患者入院即行CT引导下脓肿或病椎穿刺后BacT/ ALERT 3D法培养,抗痨至少2周后再术中取同样标本用BacT/ ALERT 3D法培养。
1.2 标本前处理
1.3 实验方法
罗氏培养法:按1995年中国防痨协会公布的“结核病诊断细菌学检验规程”进行[3];BacT/ ALERT 3D法:用油酸、甘油、紫色染料和浓度为1%的牛血清蛋白组成的10mL复
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