摘要: 目的 直观立体地显示复杂颈椎骨折的图像,探讨螺旋CT医学图像三维重建在复杂颈椎骨折 诊断中的价值及其对手术的指导意义。 方法 对113例颈椎骨折采用螺旋CT进行薄层扫描和三维重建进 行诊断。CT扫描全部采用Siemens SOMATOM Sensation 16型多排高速螺旋CT机,1.0mm 层厚。扫描所得 断层资料,通过网络传送至计算机工作站处理。采用Window.NT 3.51平合上Insight三维重建软件进行三 维重建。 结果 三维CT图像能够围绕X轴和Z轴任意旋转、切割,以从不同角度观察,能够清晰显示复杂 的颈椎骨折和狭窄椎管的解剖形态特点。 结论 三维CT重建在颈椎骨折方面具有较大的临床应用价值, 有助于提高颈椎骨折手术的安全性和精确性,并对患者预后的估计提供帮助。
关键词: CT; 三维重建; 颈椎骨折
Application of three-dimensional computed tomogramphy reconstruction in complex cervical spine fracture YE Zhe-wei,YANG Shu-hua,ZHOU Jun-qing,et al. (Departmant of Orthopedics,the Union hospital of Tongji Medical collage,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430022,China)
Abstract: Objective To present the complex cervical spine fracture spatially,and evaluate the value of three-dimensional computed tomogramphy in the diagnosis of complex cervical spine fracture. Methods Three-di- mensional(3D) CT imaging reconstruction was performed using Helical CT in 113 case of cervical spine fractures. The EBISC150XP fast CT was used with section thickeness of 1.0mm. The CT data was transferred to a computer workstation through the net,and was reconstructed using the “Insight”software on the Windows NT 3.51. Results The 3D CT images could rotate around X and Z axes,and be cut freely and viewed from different perspectives. The anatomy feature of the complex cervical spine fracture and the stenosis of vertebral canal could be presented com- pletely on the 3D images. Conclusion 3D CT is effective in the diagnosis of cervical spine fracture,providing bet- ter surgical planning and management.
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