【摘要】 目的 观察初次人工髋关节置换术后关节引流量的变化及术式对其的影响。方法 初次人工髋关节置换术86例老年患者,分别采用骨水泥型全髋置换、生物固定型全髋置换、混合型全髋置换进行人工髋关节置换,观察术后12、24、48h及拔管时的引流量,以及不同术式对引流量的影响。结果 术后12h引流量占总量的53.7%,24h后引流量呈减少趋势,生物固定型全髋置换术12 h引流量达(346±41)mL,高于其它术式(P<0.01),48h时的累积引流量与各术式有统计学差异(P<0.01)。结论 术后12h是初次人工髋关节置换术后关节引流的高峰期,应密切观察引流量的变化,术式可能是影响引流量大小的因素之一。
【关键词】 人工髋关节置换;引流;术式
Influencing factors of joint drainage vlolume after first time of total hip arthroplasty
WEI Bo, CHEN Xide, CHEN Rijing, TAN Hongchang, KANG Yi (Department of Orthopedics, Affiliated Hospital of Guangdong Medical Collge, Zhanjiang 524001, China)
Abstract:Objective To observe the factors influencing drainage volume after the first time of total hip arthroplasty (THA). Methods Eightysix elderly patients underwent THA with cemented, biological and mixed prostheses, and the drainage volume was recorded postoperatively.Results The drainage volume in 12 h accounted for 53.7% in total quantity, and decreased gradually 24 h later. The biological prosthesis induced the largest volume within 48 h as compared with other groups (P<0.01).Conclusion The drainge volume peaked in 12 h after the first time of THA, and the types of prostheses may be one of the factors influencing drainage volume .
Key words:total hip arthroplasty; drainage; operating method
1 资料与方法
1.1 病例资料
1.2 引流方法及处理
手术主要由二组手术医生完成,一组采用外侧Hudinger入路,另一组采用后外侧入路。手术完毕均采用同一类型负压引流管,作术野引流,切口关闭完成后,排空负压球,开始负压引流计量及计时,引流量小于50mL时拔除引流管。记录术后每一患者12、24、48h及拔管时的累积引流量,记录由同一组观察者完成。如术后出现2h内引流量大于200 mL,采取暂时夹
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