【摘要】 目的 探讨经心脏营养素-1(CT-1)治疗后的失神经骨骼肌重获神经支配后的功能恢复情况。方法60只Swiss小鼠,切断右侧胫神经,随机分成2组,其中一组每天注射外源性CT-1(100 μg/kg),另外一组注射等量CT-1溶媒,1个月后修复胫神经。分别于4、8和12周后检测再生胫神经的有髓神经纤维数、神经再支配骨骼肌的复合肌肉动作电位(CMAP)和肌张力,并与对照组比较。结果 与对照组相比,CT-1注射组的再生神经有髓神经纤维数、重获神经支配后的骨骼肌的CMAP和肌张力均有显著提高(t′=6.39~43.36,P<0.01)。结论 CT-1具有促进神经再生和改善骨骼肌收缩功能的双重作用,有效促进了神经再支配骨骼肌的功能恢复。
【关键词】 心脏营养素-1 去神经支配 肌 骨骼 功能恢复
EFFECT OF CARDIOTROPHIN-1 ON FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY OF THE REINNERVATION TO SKELETAL MUSCLE MA XUE-XIAO, ZHANG GAO-MENG, YU TENG-BO, et al(Department of Orthopaedics, The Affiliated Hospital of Qingdao University Medical College, Qingdao 266003, China) [ABSTRACT]ObjectiveTo investigate the function of reinnervated skeletal muscle treated with Cardiotrophin-1 (CT-1).MethodsSixty Swiss mice with cut-off right tibial nerve were evenly randomized to two groups: 30 mice were intraperitoneally injected exogenous CT-1 (100 μg/kg BW) for one month; others were injected the same amount of CT-1 solvent as control group. One month later, the tibial nerves were repaired. The numbers of myelinated nerve fibres of repaired nerve, the CMAP, latency and tension of reinnervation skeleton muscle were assayed on week 4, 8 and 12.ResultsCompared with those of the control, the numbers of regenerated myelinated nerve fibres of the nerve, CMAP and tension of reinnervated gastrocnemius muscle of the experiment were significantly increased (t′=6.39-43.36,P<0.01).ConclusionCT-1 has dual effects of promoting nerve regeneration and improving the muscle contractile function.
[KEY WORDS]Cardiotrophin-1; Denervation; Muscle, skeletal; Recovery of function
1 材料和方法
1.1 实验动物和主要试剂
健康成年雄性Swiss小鼠60只,体质量30~35 g。重组小鼠CT-1(rmCT-1)由美国R&D公司生产。
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