io of cortical bone, the relative area of bone trabecula, the density of femoral bone and vertebral body bone, the max stress and straining of bone. However, there was moderate or strong positive correlation with the quantitation of collagen type Ⅹ, of which the bone density of vertebral body had the strongest dependablity with collagen type Ⅹ. And the indexes of bone biomechanics including the max stress and straining had no correlation with the indexes of degeneration of intervertebral disc. Conclusion Osteoporosis has negative correlation with the degeneration of intervertebral disc, which is not distributed to the environment factors; but the indexes of bone biomechanics including the max stress and straining have no correlation with the indexes of degeneration of intervertebral disc.
KEY WORDS: osteoporosis; intervertebral disc; aging rat
1 材料与方法
1.1 试剂与仪器 Ⅱ、Ⅹ型胶原鼠单克隆抗体由德国ErlangenNumberg大学分子生物学实验中心提供;碱性磷酸酶-生物素标记的抗鼠IgG由华美生物有限公司提供;透明质酸酶、链酶蛋白酶、蛋白水解酶、3hydroxy2naphthylocid2, 4dimethylaniline、Fast red均来自美国Sigma公司。高清晰病理图像分析仪为北航医学生物公司产品;组织切片机为德国Ainca公司产品;QDR2000型HOLOJAC双光子骨密度仪和电子万能生物力学试验机为美国PE公司产品。
1.2 实验动物和方法
1.2.1 大鼠老龄性模型的建立 取同批健康纯种SD大鼠50只(由西安交通大学动物实验中心提供),雌性,全部饲养条件一致,自由摄食,喂以大鼠标准饲料,饮用蒸馏水,达22月,体重为220-310g,未曾生育,处死作为老龄大鼠组(年龄22月)。
1.2.2 取材 实验动物在20g/L乌拉坦溶液麻醉下,腹腔动脉抽血处死,取动物双侧后肢股骨、胫骨,腰椎等组织,分别固定于40g/L多聚甲醛溶液中或放置于低温冰箱保存待用。其中L1、L2椎体和左股骨用于进行骨密度检测,左侧股骨检测完骨密度后再行生物力学实验,右下肢和L3、L4用于作组织学检查。
1.2.3 形态学检查 分取L3-4脊柱节段,包括L3、L4椎体及L3-4椎间盘,股骨中1/2处,胫骨中上段(包含膝关节),经40g/L多聚甲醛溶液固定,80g/L的中性EDTA脱钙液脱钙40d,常规石蜡包埋,用90g/L的多聚赖氨酸处理载玻片,切片,每张6-8μm,HE染色。
1.2.4 免疫组化方法测定Ⅱ、Ⅹ型胶原表达 椎间盘组织切片用二甲苯脱蜡、逐级乙醇水化后,用透明质酸酶(Hyaluronidase 2g/L)室温孵育30min。Ⅱ
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