stry showed there was deeper red in cell transplantation group than in normal group or saline group in collagen type Ⅱ, whereas there was no change in collagen Ⅰ among the groups. Real time PCR showed that the expression of proteoglycan or collagen type Ⅱ was increased in cell transplantation group whereas collagen typeⅠ remained unchanged among the groups. In addition, compared to that of cell transplantation group Ⅰ, the expression of proteoglycan or collagen type Ⅱ was increased in cell transplantation group Ⅱ. Conclusion The transplanted bone mesenchymal stem cells can increase the amount of proteoglycan or collagen type Ⅱ; combined with the transfer of BMP2, the effect is overlaying, suggesting that the therapeutic strategy based on bone mesenchymal stem cells may be effective in prevention and treatment of intervertebral disc degeneration.
KEY WORDS: bone mesenchymal stem cell; intervertebral disc; gene therapy
研究表明椎间盘退变起自于髓核,由于蛋白多糖含量的进行性丢失致髓核水分丢失。通过补充髓核内细胞数量和蛋白多糖成分,可增加髓核内蛋白多糖的含量,从而有较高的膨胀张力来保持椎间盘的高度和增加椎间盘分散负荷的能力,这些有助于停止或延缓椎间盘退变的进程[1]。已证实细胞因子、基因治疗、细胞移植能够停止或延缓椎间盘退变的过程[2]。骨髓间质干细胞(bone mesenchymal stem cells, BMSCs)有多分化功能,体内外研究已证实可以分化为间充质细胞系,包括软骨细胞、成骨细胞、脂肪细胞、肝干细胞、肌肉细胞、心肌细胞。对于骨和软骨缺损,骨髓间质干细胞移植是一种便利和有效的方法[34]。在前期实验中,已证实异体的BMSCs能够在髓核内存活、增殖、迁移,外源基因能够在髓核内表达[5]。但BMSCs移植对椎间盘的退变及基质的影响,相关研究较少。因此,本研究将评估移植的BMSCs及复合BMP2(bone morphogenetic protein 2, BMP2)的转基因治疗对髓核细胞外基质的影响。
1 材料与方法
1.1 主要试剂
Ⅰ型胶原鼠单克隆抗体购自美国SantaCruz公司,Ⅱ型胶原鼠单克隆抗体由德国ErlangenNumberg大学分子生物学实验中心惠赠,碱性磷酸酶生物素标记的抗鼠IgG购自华美生物有限公司,透明质酸酶、链酶蛋白酶、蛋白水解酶3hydroxy2naphthylocid 2,4dimethylaniline、Fast red购自美国Sigma公司,DNA Master SYBR Green I试剂盒购自美国RocheMdecular Bicchemicals公司,RNA提取试剂盒购自ISOGEN公司;含BMP2的BMSCs获得及培养参见文献[68]。
1.2 实验动物与分组
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